Many years ago, a husband and wife wanted to teach their children the joy of giving to others at Christmas time. So, they called a family meeting. The father said, “Kids, this Christmas is going to be different from the rest. We’regoing to put up a Christmas tree and do all those things […]

One of the supreme tests of a leader is how they take defeat. Do they take it as the end or as a learning experience? Once when Thomas Edison was working on an experiment, his discouraged assistant was ready to give up when they failed for the 1000th time. Edisonpersevered. He […]

I spend many waking hours in the woodlands near my home. It’s the trees dotting the landscape that make the beauty of the woods standout. During hurricane seasonand when summer thunderstorms develop, some trees withstand the winds, while others either topple over or break in two. Another scenario for the death of trees […]

No life is immune to dark and painful experiences. All of us live through hours that are dark and mysterious, and some are fraught with danger and sorrow. Most of us will have experiences in which we will be tested thoroughly. A weak body or a chronic ailment brings many people into the […]

Dark days come to all of us. The good thing is they often pass as quickly as they come. On May 19, 1780, the day became night although it was only 11:00AM. It was an anxious time to say the least because of the Revolutionary War. But this day was different. The bats started to […]

A friend from my childhood and teen years came to me years later as a broken and humble man. He had lived what many called, “life in the fast lane” and he had run out of gas. After he came to his senses and got his life together, he got married and had […]

If you’ve ever had the flu, you know the symptoms well—fever, muscle aches, runny nose, and more. For the flu and other physical disorders, symptoms do not differ much from person to person. With mental disorders, however, things are not so clear-cut. Symptoms of mental disorders can vary greatly from one individual to […]

Our country has been dealing with a great deal of unrest. Combined with the pandemic, there’s everyday struggles that have created a mess of stress. We must be intentional in reminding ourselves, and one another, no matter how stressed you are, remember how blessed you are. And the more grateful you are, the […]

As a child, I discovered in our community there was no lack of church houses to attend. You could scarcely go no more than 5 miles and you’d pass another place of worship. Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal—the diversity of congregations abounded. The choice to not go to church because you couldn’t find one, was […]

It wasn’t until November 1983 President Ronald Reagan signed a bill making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday. I can remember growing up reading about him in history books and news articles. In one sermon given by MLK, he states: “Before I was a civil rights leader, I was a preacher […]