North Santa Rosa

Mid-Week Report with Coach Brian Watson caught up with head football coach Brian Watson to talk about last week’s loss against J.U. Blacksher and the upcoming game against Wewa.

Q-Coach, I know you were disappointed in last week’s outcome in Uriah. How important is it get back in the win column and finish the year with a .500 record?

A-It is very important for us to get back to playing the way we were at the beginning of the season. We’ve been battling the flu bug around here, but I think we’re better now and should be close to 100% for the Gators this week.

Q-What does Wewa do to concern you?

A-They run the ball and they play hard. They try and out formation you, trying to get the advantage with the extra man. Run a lot of the “wild cat” formation pretty well. We will have to be paying attention to our assignments, get the right calls and get lined up correctly, defensively speaking.

Q-This is a big Friday night at Merle V. North Stadium. Not only is it the season finale, but JHS will be recognizing the seniors of the football team, band and cheerleaders, inducting the second Hall of Fame class at JHS, and softball team will be receiving their championship rings.

A-It’s exciting to recognize four new members to the Hall of Fame. These are four individuals that mean a lot to JHS and this community. As far as our seniors are concerned, it would be nice to finish 5-5…The football program here has won 3 games total in the previous two seasons. It would be great to send these seniors out as winners.

Q-How did the loss last week affect the Royals in the playoff hunt?

A-It hurt. We took a hit. Bozeman (Panama City) has to lose and we have to win this Friday night. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Posted by on Nov 3 2022. Filed under High School, Jay, Local, Sports, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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