On April 10, 2018 before 9:18 p.m. a vehicle pulled into the eastbound rest area at the 30 mile marker of Interstate 10 in Santa Rosa County. The vehicle was occupied by two Hispanic females, (mother/daughter). Moments later a second vehicle pulled into the same rest area occupied by a black male. According to witnesses, the male exited his vehicle and appeared to search the parking lot for a vehicle in the all parking spaces. He then approached the vehicle with the mother/daughter occupants, where the male then proceeded to brandish a weapon and fatally shot the older female and wounding the younger female. The male then turned the weapon on himself where he suffered from one fatal gunshot wound to the head. BCII and FLAIR have been notified and are currently responding to the scene. Updates will be provided as information develops. The younger female was removed from the scene and transported to a local area hospital by EMS for treatment of gunshot wounds.
The male was familiar with the females, he was an estranged boyfriend of the older female. She was traveling with her daughter en route to her sisters home in Melbourne, Florida. This is a case of Domestic Violence involving an estranged boyfriend.