Living With Purpose
A farmer who always seemed to have bountiful crops was asked how he managed to do so well? He answered, “When I plough a field, I bless each row. When I plant a seed, I pray for each grain that goes into the ground. When I go home at night I bless my whole farm and put it into God’s hands. I then thank God for the crop to come.” This is the power of praise, thanks, and blessings. The Bible says, “Be happy about God and thank Him and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). If you and I would get in the thought process of thanking God at all times, perhaps we too would see our blessings increase. A thankful heart is a peaceful and joyful heart. Thank God and praise Him for the things you already have as well as the things you hope to get. Perhaps the greatest way you can practice positive thinking in relation to spiritual matters is to thank God for your blessings. And it takes an even greater amount of faith to thank God for something you haven’t received. It’s important to realize, as a professing believer in eternal life, we should never stop giving thanks to God. For the Bible says in Ephesians 5:20, “Giving thanks always for all things unto God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
There is, within a thankful heart, wondrous power to live your life. Amazing things happen when you thank someone. Not only do you encourage the one in whom you’re thankful, but their spirit is lifted as well. Doing this helps them to know they made a difference for you and they’re appreciated for their good efforts. Think about this. How does it make you feel when someone gives you a hearty slap on the back, a hug, or a handshake? It produces a good feeling inside. It tends to make you want to do something again for that person or for another person. When we praise and thank God, He’s glorified and given His rightful allegiance in our heart.
When we thank God in all things, in some supernatural way, it raises your own spirit. God interjects life, health, wellness, and peace to you in great abundance. If you want continued favor from God, thank and bless Him for the things He’s done, for the things you have now, and the things you prayerfully hope to get. The Scripture tells us, “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). You see, it’s not enough to just thank Him, but we’re to let Him know the desires of our hearts and minds. To me, it’s only reasonable that we thank God in advance for meeting our needs. This is considered an act of faith. When we show God we appreciate His goodness, mercy, and love, it pleases Him.
A genuine and sincere thanks is more than just saying a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Sincere thanks always leads to action. You become a messenger of God. You become an ambassador for Christ with a story to tell. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says, “We are ambassadors for Christ. Be reconciled to God.” When Jesus healed people in the Bible they were more than thankful. They would usually go out and tell people what he had done for them. One instance is found in Mark 5:1-20. “Tell them what great things the Lord has done for you. The man went his way and told everyone in the land of Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him. All the people were surprised and wondered” (v. 19-20). When our own needs are met, there is a certain inner jubilation; one that can ignite your spirit. You and I need to tell others what Christ has done for us. Like the people of long ago, we can live better lives when we function in a spirit of thankfulness. Also, those healed in Biblical times would bring others to be healed. Are you thinking, just now of someone who needs Christ? Go tell them what he has done for you. Speak aloud the love of Jesus and that He cares for everyone who is in need. The person who really feels and expresses thanks to God finds it almost impossible to keep from speaking of the good which God has given.
The Lord is good! Practice being thankful in all things and see if it’s not possible to live anything but a good life. And in living such a life, prepare yourself for more blessings. When you start each new day with praise and thanks, you bring more and more blessings to yourself and your family. It’s thanking God for your blessings in this way that will help you to do your part in establishing His Kingdom here on earth. Find a church that will love you and encourage you, attend faithfully, and follow the Holy Spirit as He leads you.
• This bi-weekly column is written by Matthew Dobson. He’s the author of the following books: “Soldiers of God: A Bible Study guide for Spiritual Warfare” and “The Authentic Teenager: A Bible Study Guide to Truth and Positive Living” and “Spiritual Fitness For Runners” and “Understanding the Higher Power”. Matthew can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living.