Florida Department of Transportation and local business encouraging Drivers to put Phones down
While we all know that there are more distractions in our vehicles today than ever before, the cell phone remains the biggest cause for distracted driving accidents. The Florida Department of Transportation is teaming up with Geico to try and help with this issue. Florida State Statute 316.305 prohibits texting while driving in the State of Florida, but just making something a law doesn’t equate into the problem going away. So in an effort to help alleviate this problem, Geico and the FDOT have teamed up to create Safe Zones.
“The Florida Department of Transportation, in a public-private partnership with GEICO Insurance, unveiled a statewide safety campaign in June of 2015 to tackle the problem of distracted driving on Florida’s roads. As part of a national effort to encourage drivers to pull into a safe location to use their phone for calling, texting and accessing mobile apps, Florida has designated 64 Rest Areas, Welcome Centers and Turnpike Service Plazas throughout the state as “Safe Phone Zones,” more than any other state.” (http://www.dot.state.fl.us/safety/2A-Programs/Distracted-Driving.shtm).
One of our local business’, Milton Chevrolet, is trying to do their part as well. In the school zones along the highways in Santa Rosa County, there are metal signs up that read “No Texting Zones.” These are sponsored by Milton Chevy.
We here at Northsantarosa.com encourage everyone to use precaution while driving. Put the phone down while driving. A text is definitely not worth your life or someone else’s. And remember the little eyes in your car…They are watching what you do and if our kids see us texting while driving, they will think it’s okay as well.
For more information, visit www.dot.state.fl.us.