Living With Purpose
Before I understood the meaning of “personal goals” I had an inner drive that caused me to push myself. Some call it discipline while others might call it some form of work ethic. Although, as a child, I had unconscious thoughts about goal-setting, something gave way to a conscious formation of doing things with purpose. The Scripture verse from 1 Corinthians 9:26 says: “So I run with purpose in every step”. Until positive thinking is allied with the right purpose there’s minimum accomplishments. A person, who chooses to live with no central purpose or goals in life, will soon fall prey to worry, fear, and troubles. But most of all, with no spiritual ideal set forth for yourself, sin will have its way with you. A purposeful life lived for Christ requires confession and repentance of sin. The only way to experience victory over sin is found in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.”
The goal of every Christian is to not let sin defeat us and keep us from fulfilling our purpose. When God forgives, He stands ready to give us a new direction for achieving this purpose. There’s absolutely no reason for us to keep on living our failures and defeats once they have been forgiven through Christ. And it may be required of you to distance yourself from the people who try to remind you of those sins. Satan can use them and also tempt you to keep thinking about them. God commands us to walk in victory! Philippians 3:13 says, “I focus on forgetting the past and look forward to what lies ahead.”
If you fail and fail again to accomplish your purpose, the character you build as you get up and try again will be the measure of your true success. Every time you try to overcome you will have a new starting point for future power. This will mean that God will bless you in new ways to do His work. No matter how insignificant you think your work is, you must fix your thoughts in a gathered and focused way. Energy builds within your mind and confidence rises when you can visualize yourself doing a good job.
It’s important you become aware of your weaknesses. Ask a trusted friend to give you straight and honest answers about the rough spots in your personality that need to be smoothed over. Accept their criticism as an opportunity for you to improve yourself. Everybody has weaknesses, so embrace them and consider what you have to do to strengthen them.
I didn’t become a champion marathon runner by deciding one day to enter a race. It took weeks, months, even years of physical training to prepare my body for what I dreamed to do. Training produces improvement. A person with a weak thought process can make them strong by exercising the right kind of thinking.
Don’t think that you’re destined to always “screw things up”, even if you have a history of letting people down. Let your mistakes and sins be your learning guide to avoid problem areas in your life. People who recognize their failings as a pathway to attainment can let “the bad” work ultimately for the good. Romans 8:28 says, “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” When you grasp this truth and truly believe this applies to you and anyone who yearns for something better; positive outcomes are only a matter of time.
Be on guard for doubts and fears. These two disintegrating elements are the primary tools used by Satan. Doubt and fear never accomplishes anything worthwhile. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The will to achieve springs from the idea that you can! Believe in yourself, but believe in God more!
Conquer doubt and fear and you conquer failure every time. When your thoughts become allied with God’s power, you control your circumstances. This means your purposes in life will bloom in perfect seasonal harmony in accordance with God’s will for your life. I don’t know of any Spirit-filled Christian who wants to ignore God’s will and allow the fruits of His Spirit to fall prematurely to the ground.
Fearlessly take on life and its challenges. Be ready to become something better, higher, and stronger than an average Christian. Think right, act right, and do right. It’s your life! Live it abundantly!