Living With Purpose
I was in the local grocery store one day while a small kid was running up and down the aisles. His mother or father was not in sight and I told the young fellow to be careful. I walked around the corner to find his Mom pushing a grocery cart with two more kids hanging on to her. One kid was crying and she seemed to be having a rough day. “Looks like you’ve got all you can handle!” I remarked.
“I’ve got more than I can handle!” she exclaimed. “Any time I go out it’s a circus and sometimes I just want to give them to somebody else for a while. But I know I would miss them!”
I laughed and said, “You’re right! A mother’s job never ends. You were chosen by God to raise these kids and for many reasons it can be trying at times.” I asked her if she was a Christian and she said, “Yes!” I also asked if she attended church and she said not since the kids were born and that she didn’t have time. Before I went on, I told her if she was a Christian, she had the power, given by God, to help her. And that I’m sure her church would be happy to help with teaching them.
Every godly mother should commit their kids to God and teach them His ways. This will help both parent(s) and children. I felt there was a reason for my encounter with this weary Mother and I tried to encourage her to keep on and reminded her to return to the relationship that God longed to have with her and her kids.
It’s a most extraordinary principle that God will help us if we would just humble ourselves and recognize our own inadequacies. It’s simple! We need God’s help to find peace in this world. There’s an old adage that has been tossed around by people trying to motivate one another’s sagging spirit: “The Lord helps those who help themselves.” Although this verse is not found in the Bible, its closest variant is found in Psalm 37:40, “And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them because they trust in Him.”
Why not go to God when you initially encounter trouble or resistance? Life and all of its tribulations will accumulate in between our victories. The respite gained by our little successes will serve as a temporary relief. Again, why not call upon God at the first thought of a new or unexpected challenge? You’re in a much better position to get your desires met when you seek God first and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
The following points reveal some of the ways that God H-E-L-P-S mothers and all of His trusting children:
He H-ears them. “Those who are right with the Lord cry and He hears them and He takes them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17). Many people complain and clamor for attention in their difficulties; only to be ignored. It’s often difficult to be heard in this busy, noisy world. But the Lord always hears those who call upon Him (Psalm 91:15).
He E-nables them. A good as they are, ministers, doctors, counselors, and friends hold a subordinate position; they’re strength is insufficient at times. God, on the other hand, has an enabling power! He says, “I am with you. Don’t be afraid, for I am your God. I will give you strength, and for sure I will help you” (Isaiah 41:10).
He L-oves them. God also says, “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. So I have helped you come to me with loving-kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3). People have a built-in need to love and be loved. But, for some today, love has waxed cold. Love for others should be the root of all relationships. Even if husbands, wives, or children’s love can’t be depended upon, there’s a love that never fails. God’s love isn’t based on what you do or what you say. God loves you regardless of these things. God loves everyone. The advantage to loving Him back brings: blessings, peace, joy, and most of all—everlasting life!
He P-reserves them. The devil takes pride in stalking his victims like a lion (1 Peter 5:8). But the “Lord will preserve you from all evil” (Psalm 121:7).
He S-ustains them. In your attempt to carry your burdens alone; you fail. You must take your anxieties to God, let them all out, and leave them. In doing so, you can reap comfort, courage, and triumph. Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on God and He’ll sustain you”.
Like a Mother helps and loves her children, God’s help and love is available! Want you take advantage of what He wants to do in your life? Find a church where you can worship Him, be faithful in attending, and let God help you do your best!
- This weekly column is written by Matthew Dobson. He’s the author of the newly released books: “Soldiers of God: A Bible Study guide for Spiritual Warfare” and “The Authentic Teenager: A Bible Study Guide to Truth and Positive Living” and “Spiritual Fitness For Runners” and “Understanding the Higher Power”. Matthew can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living.