North Santa Rosa

To Lime or Not to Lime

*** New to***

We will be running monthly articles relating to lawn maintenance and care written by Samuel Mize. Mize owns and operates Mize Outdoor Care. He can be reached at 1-251-236-0531.

To Lime or not to Lime

Happy New Year! January is typically a month when we start our diets and New Year Resolutions. Unfortunately, it is a time of the year that we forget about our lawns because our turf is dormant and most ornamentals aren’t actively growing. There is always work to be done to maintain a highly manicured lawn.
January is a good time to take a soil test. Soil tests are a necessity to a great lawn. Testing your soil has many benefits. One of the main reasons to test the soil is to make sure that your pH level is where it should be. If your pH is too acid or too alkaline, certain nutrients will become unavailable to your turf or plants. pH is like a garage door. If the pH it is what it should be, then the proper nutrients are available to the turf. If the pH is not in the proper range, the garage door closes, and these nutrient are unavailable to the plant.
It is often said that adding lime to the soil is good for it. The only time lime is good for the soil is when the pH is too low. In our sandy soils, pH levels are typically on the low end of the spectrum if they have never been addressed. If the pH is low for your desired plant, adding lime is recommend to raise the pH to its proper level. If the pH is too high, sulfur is recommend to lower it back down to where it should be. Never assume your soil needs lime without doing a soil test. It is possible to add too much lime.
When should you apply lime if your soil test recommends it? It is best to apply lime in late fall, winter, or early spring when the turf is not actively growing. If applied in the growing season the lime can burn up the turfgrass. Lime is not a fertilizer.
One last question you might ask is what should my pH be? It can be different for every plant. For, example, blueberries seem to do better in a more acidic soil. Centipede does well in a 5.5-6.0 pH, while St. Augustine thrives in a 6.0-6.5. Be sure to include your desired crop on the soil test form so the soil lab will know what to recommend.
For any questions give us a call at 251-236-0531.

Posted by on Jan 3 2015. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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