The Unmoveable Manger
Standing at attention, in a little town, is a faded plastic manger scene that gleams at night for all to see, Mary and Joseph, the three wise men, and a shepherd surrounding baby Jesus. For 40 years, this has been the scene displayed at Christmas time, in the town of Jay, Fl. The scene, normally, sets on the front lawn of the town’s City Hall, but if you drive by today, you will not see it there. It has been moved and displayed, ever so perfectly, on the concrete corner of the one and only red light. The hay has been spread, and Mary and Joseph, the three wise men, and a shepherd still surround the baby Jesus. The town’s plastic figurines have been moved down the street, but this doesn’t change the fact that, one day, there was a manger an unmovable manger. Mary was with child and expecting any moment. So, Joseph searched frantically for a room for the tired mother-to-be. Door after door was closed with no room for them. Joseph, being desperate, found a stable where the smell of animals and hay filled the air. This would become the place where the virgin Mary would give birth to the Savior of the world. The night stood still, and all was silent as Mary delivered this gift of love. I’m sure the fact that they were in a stable seemed to fade away at that very moment. You know the moment. The moment when a mother, who has been carrying a child in her womb, month after month, feeling the baby kick, and watching as her body changed, finally gets to hold and experience that miracle for the first time. Down the road, in a field, were shepherds tending to their flock, when suddenly an angel appeared, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were so afraid but the angel assured them to fear not I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. The angel declared in Luke 2, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you ; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” These shepherds came and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger, and they knew he was the Son of God, the mighty King. This stable and manger was more than just a place for the animals that night. This stable and manger held the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. This night can never be taken away from us. Yes, the plastic figurines in Jay were moved down the street, but I seem to think that it shines brighter today than it ever has in all of its 40 years of being displayed. Not only has the scene been placed in the center of the town now, it has also placed the real reason for the season back into the hearts of those living in this close knit little town. One day, all manger scenes may be a time of the past, from the biggest to smallest, from the delicate porcelain hand made ones to the ones that set on our porches and in our front yards, from the ones that are placed in our churches to the little plastic figurines that stand on our street corners, all reminding us of that special night . They may be tossed into the farthest of oceans, along with our Holy Bible that tells of this birth, but Mary didn’t just deliver a baby that night she delivered a Savior for the World. One day very soon, we will all realize this was not just a ” fairy tale ” story that someone imagined. This is not something that will just fade away as the years go by. For some, the realization of its authenticity will come in the end when Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he, the child who was laid in the manger that night in the stable in Bethlehem is, truly, Lord. One can’t simply place this truth in the shed, tuck it away in a hidden room, or throw it out of sight. It is unyielding and certain. It can’t be moved. That is why I call it the Unmovable Manger.
Written by: Becky McCullough, True Worship