Jay’s Girls Weightlifting Team
The girls weightlifting team competed against Rocky Bayou yesterday afternoon and got their first win of the season 42-24. The following young ladies finished in first or second and 9 of the 12 that lifted had pr’s (personal records) for the season:
Alex Porter 1st (2 pr’s)
Micheala Stewart 1st (1 pr)
Akira Thomas 2nd (2 pr’s)
Savannah Kersey 2nd (2 pr’s)
Shelby Edwards 2nd (1 pr)
Riana Wolfe 2nd
Samantha Bethea 1st
Ally Settle 1st (1 pr)
Liza Eddings 1st (1 pr)
Kim Gunn 2nd
The next meet is tomorrow (Nov. 19th) at Northview vs NV and Tate