Living With Purpose
My parents learned they could raise me and my sister with much better success if they had God’s help. So, it was part of our routine to have family devotions, attend church on Sunday’s and Wednesdays, and pray every day. I grew to love the church we attended because I experienced God’s special love from many people. They accepted me as a little kid who would have some victories in life, but would also make some mistakes.
One of the challenges I received from my teachers at church was Scripture memorization. I’ve never forgotten one in particular: Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies, a living sacrifice; holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.” I have found this to be the first step toward success in everything. Present yourself to God and accept Christ. We can accomplish abundantly more with God, than without Him.
You have a choice. Will you give God the reigns of your life and be guaranteed joy, peace, and eternal life or will you hold on to the world’s insecurities? You don’t have to settle for less than what you could have. Those who accept mediocrity in life don’t accomplish very much. Whatever you do, don’t settle! Release the power of God in your life.
Consider King David from the Bible. He had a remarkable call into service as a young boy, which was followed by the astonishing defeat of Goliath, the Philistine giant. David’s notoriety and his fall are well documented in Scripture. But as in all of our lives, there comes defining moments where in our reflections we see where we’ve been, where we are, and what we hope to be. We will never accomplish more than God will allow.
Take stock in God’s power. And remember His majesty is not limited to Heaven. His love spills out onto us here on earth when we choose to release our will and take hold of His. God has masterfully created you and for good reason. Don’t waste your physical existence on trivial pursuits and bitterness towards others because things are not the way you think they should be. Trust in God.
If up to this point, you’ve lived your life for yourself, trusting God will be a task that calls for deep reflection. We are to find and accept our place. Although you and I are at the center piece of God’s good creation, God, not humanity, is at the heart. The importance of Biblical instruction and inspiration cannot be over emphasized. God speaks to us through words of love. When you seek God and read His Word it’s almost as if you can hear Him reasoning inside of you. If you’ve never felt this it’s important to find a church family where others can help you understand what you read. Even if you didn’t go to church as a kid, you can pursue it today.
Ponder the wonders of life and creation. You can see the good and bad of your life and others. But think positive and try to live in a way that will affect good outcomes. God has invested greatly in the human race. We are His caretakers for our own life and those we are able to help. Let’s not waste what we’ve been given. What if we could begin with God and end with Him. What a blessing and a responsibility. Even if you didn’t start out living for God, you can certainly begin today and one day end with Him as well.
Romans 12:1 tells us to submit our bodies to God without reserve and release His power in our life. It only makes sense to do this because God and His power created the universe; the greatest power source that ever has been or ever will be. To ignore it is to be simple-minded.
Present your MIND to God and don’t feel defeated because you dwell on negatives. With conscious deliberation, you must replace negative thoughts with positive ones. And Psalm 141:8 says, “My eyes are toward You, O God the Lord. In You I have a safe place.”
Present your EYES and don’t be discouraged when you see sin in the world and in the church. Don’t think all churches are this way. To achieve victory you have to search for the good instead of the disagreeable. God has supplied many blessings which we can always find if we look for it. Psalm 85:8 says, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say; for He speaks peace to those who are right with Him.”
Present your EARS to God by going to church and keep your ears tuned to God and His Word. Seek out the good message He has for you.
Present your TONGUE to God. “Be kind to one another” (Ephesians 4:32). Don’t be bitter toward others, but show kindness like Christ. God will enable you to speak the right words.
Present your HANDS. Don’t be like others who work diligently at selfish pursuits, but are lax when it comes to helping others. Encourage, comfort, and witness to those you meet.
Present your FEET. We live in a mobile society. Understand, that the Holy Spirit will direct the steps of those who yield themselves to Him. Present all you have and all that you are to Him. For those who have the courage to live this way, the results are beyond anything you can imagine.
- This weekly column is written by Matt Dobson. A graduate of Florida State University, Univ. of West Florida, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, he is Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church in Jay, Florida and is a Captain (CPT) in the U.S. Army Reserves Chaplain Corp. Matt can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living. Visit the Living With Purpose website at