Jay Elementary School Kindergarten Registration info.
Jay Elementary School Kindergarten Registration for the 2014-2015 school year-
Wednesday April 30th and May 1st, 8:00am-6:00pm
Your child must be
5 years old on or
before September
1st 2014
Come register your child even if
you don’t have ALL the
required documents with you on
registration dates.
**ALL documents will need to
be turned in before your child
can start Kg in August.
Please bring the following with you to register:
Child’s Birth Certificate
Proof of residency (Utility bill, rental agreement)
Florida Immunization Certificate *
Florida Physical (physical must be performed 1 year
prior to the start of school to be considered up to date.)
Social Security card/number
Custody papers, if applicable
Please call the office
at 675-4554 if you
have any questions
*If you have any questions about immunizations, please call the Santa Rosa County
Health Department at 850-983-5200.