Baptist Health Care Employees Improved Overall Health in 2013
PENSACOLA, FLA (April 4, 2014) − The current sedentary life style trend of America corresponds to higher health risks. Stopping that trend is challenging but going beyond and reversing the momentum is a powerful intervention. Baptist Health Care (BHC) employees and their spouses successfully accomplished this in 2013 through the Healthy Lives employee wellness program. With the weight loss came numerous improvements in other health indicators.
YEAR 1 Healthy Lives Comparison from baseline 2012 screenings to 2013:
37 percent increase in high level of exercise
35 percent decrease in hypertension (BP under 140/90)
19 percent decrease in tobacco use
10 percent decrease in members with large waist circumference
8 percent decrease in members with elevated LDL with mean LDL cholesterol levels decreasing 4 percent
8 percent decrease in members with metabolic syndrome
4 percent decrease in members with undiagnosed diabetes
3 percent decrease in members who are obese (BMI over 30)
Overall 11 percent reduction in avoidable cases of chronic disease (diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and lung cancer) based on improvements in the following risk sources:
· Blood pressure: 29 percent improvement
· Exercise: 17 percent improvement
· Smoking: 14 percent improvement
· Cholesterol: 5 percent improvement
· Weight: 6 percent improvement
BHC is one of the largest non-governmental employers in Pensacola, and its employees are representative of a cross section of the community. Improving the health of each employee and their families improves the overall health of Pensacola. Every two years, Partnership for a Healthy Community conducts a comprehensive health assessment of northwest Florida. For the last 20 years, Pensacola has been unable to move the needle in a positive direction. Healthy Lives has achieved measurable health improvements at BHC by aligning work with health and is working with other corporations in Pensacola to do the same.
For more information on how your organization can be apart of Healthy Lives call 850.469.6903 or visit ebaptisthealthcare/HealthyLives.