“Coming of Age” TV Program Features Rebecca Hall to Educate Seniors on Shingles
PENSACOLA, Fla. (March 31, 2014) – Have you ever had chicken pox? Chances are you have, and that means that you could be at risk of getting shingles. Shingles is a painful disease that is most prevalent in people over 50, which makes it extremely important that anyone in that age range knows more about this disease.
To help educate the Gulf Coast community on shingles, Baptist Medical Group family medicine advanced practitioner Rebecca Hall, DNP, FNP-BC, will appear as a guest on Coming of Age, Lifestyle Television for Seniors. On the program, Hall and the program host will discuss what shingles is and how you can treat and prevent this disease.
The Coming of Age program, presented by Council on Aging of West Florida, covers topics of interest to seniors and their families. Hall’s feature on shingles will air on WUWF-TV (Cox Cable Channel 4) throughout the month of April at the following times:
Weekly show times during the month of April: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m.
The video will also be available at www.YouTube.com/coawfla and on the Baptist Medical Group Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/BaptistMedicalGroup.
Hall is an advanced practitioner with a passion for providing compassionate and quality health care to patients of all ages. She welcomes new patients at Baptist Medical Group Primary Care – Perdido, located at 12601 Sorrento Road, Suite B.
For more information about Hall and her practice, please call 850.437.8600 or visit BaptistMedicalGroup.org.