North Santa Rosa





– The Florida Highway Patrol is conducting an intensified enforcement effort on

Interstate 10 in an effort to keep the roadways safe and fatality-free today through March 30. All seven counties

that line Interstate 10 in Troop A along the panhandle (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes,

Washington, Jackson), will be participating in an intensified enforcement effort called “I-10 Challenge.” The

Florida Highway Patrol will concentrate their efforts on I-10 proactively enforcing traffic and criminal laws.

During the three day period, the Florida Highway Patrol will conduct special details on I-10. The details will focus


distracted driving. In addition, troopers will be checking for aggressive drivers, speeders, seat belt use, and

commercial vehicle safety. While these focus areas are something the Patrol does every day, this is an

intensified effort to reduce crashes and injuries on Interstate 10 in Troop A.

The Patrol offers the following tip for safe travels on the roads, whether going a long distance or a short drive:

Buckle up. A seatbelt is your vehicle’s most important safety feature;

Obey all speed limits;

Drive sober and alert;

Eliminate driver distractions such as texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the stereo, etc. Anything

that can take your eyes off the road, even a second, can lead to a crash.

Get plenty of rest before setting out on a long trip and allow plenty of time to reach your destination;

Take steps before you leave to prepare your vehicle for the trip i.e. checking tire pressure/condition and

fluid levels.

Posted by on Mar 28 2014. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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