Jay Historical Society Needs Your Story
Everybody has a story! Do you remember your grandpa telling you about the hound dog he sold to a man in Georgia? The dog came back home after three weeks and 250 miles. The Jay Historical Society wants to publish one of your stories, along with a photo, in a new book to be titled “Tales from North Santa Rosans.” You may drop your story by the Jay Historical Museum on any Friday or Saturday before May 31, 2013 or mail it to Jay Historical Museum, P. O. Box 265, Jay, FL 32565. If you prefer, you may email your submission to gaylierm@gmail.com or to dorothydiamond@yahoo.com. The photographs which you send to illustrate your story will be promptly scanned and returned. Need more information? Call Dot at 850-675-6480 or Gaylier at 850-479-7343.