Gulf Breeze-Suspect Stand Off
On 2-11-2014, Santa Rosa County Deputies received information regarding an individual residing at the 1200 block of Sanibel Lane in Gulf Breeze that had multiple warrants. At approximately 0930, Deputies attempted to make contact and they heard occupants in the home, but no one came to the door.
After 45 minutes, an individual came out of the home. That person gave conflicting information regarding the other occupants in the home. After a period of time, deputies were advised that the suspect was indeed in the home. The suspect was identified as Christopher Robert Creighton (10-19-71).
Sheriff Deputies then attempted to make contact with Creighton without success, although they could hear distinct movement inside the residence. Believing the suspect was possible barricading himself in the home, SWAT team members responded to the residence to make entry.
Just after 1300hrs, SWAT made entry and systematically searched the home while announcing their presence, and demanding that the suspect surrender. SWAT reached the attic which was the last possible location of the suspect, a Sheriff’s K-9 was then deployed. After a brief search by the K-9, the dog located the suspect who was in hiding. The suspect refused to surrender and was bitten by the K-9. The suspect was immediately taken into custody. EMS was already on scene and Creighton was treated for minor dog bite injuries. Creighton was then transported to a local hospital.
Creighton has 4 warrants out of Santa Rosa County (Conditional Release Violations 3 misd. 1 Felony) and multiple warrants from Escambia County..