Golf Tournament to help Calvary Baptist Youth Camp
Calvary Baptist Church 1st Annual Charity Golf Tourney
June 1st – reg. @ 12:00 & Tee Time @ 1:00- Shotgun Start @ Tanglewood Country Club
Individual -$50 and Teams- $200 and Sponsored teams $275
Fee includes Green Fees, Cart Rental & Southern Baptist Supper
Hole in One Contest sponsored by McKenzie Motors
Win $25,000 towards a new car or truck
For more info. Contact – Brian @ 304-4620 –
Steve @ 665-1078 –
June 7th
Calvary Baptist Youth will be bagging groceries to raise money for church camp at
Winn Dixie in Milton
Posted by North Santa Rosa
on May 17 2013. Filed under Local.
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