North Santa Rosa

Relay team runs 61 miles

A special team ran/walked for a special reason at Jay’s Relay for Life, Friday night. The team members were Milette West, Kristina Schantz, Trey Brinson, David McCarthy.

Stats. 61 laps for all four people exactly. Which equals 15.25 miles apiece. For a total of 61 miles for the group.

Trey did this in memory of his grandfather Doyle omega ward ( brain cancer) And in tribute of his mother Denise Lamonte ( ovarian cancer). Denise’s sister Milette West also ran for her. Ms West said she kept pushing herself because when her legs and knees started hurting she would think of all the things her sister had to endure, such as chemo treatments, dealing with hair loss, and all the other things that go along with cancer.


Posted by on Apr 22 2013. Filed under Events, Jay High, Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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