North Santa Rosa

Central Wins Homecoming

Nothing is sweeter than winning homecoming and the Central Jaguars won both games Saturday night. The Central boys defeated Bethlehem 60-52 with Nick Waters and Zack Wright scoring 45 points.

Stats: Dixon 8 ptd. Waters 20 pts 8 rebounds 8 assist. Gregory 4 pts. Cooley 1pt. D. Wright 2pts. Z. Wright 25 pts. 9 rebounds. They are now 5-0.

The Lady Jags won 51-42 with Makayla Simmons leading the way with 25 points .

Stats: B Forsythe 7 pts 6 steals. Natalie 4 pts 4 steals. Alex Simmons 2 pts. Haleigh Padgett 11 points 10 rebounds. Makayla Simmons 25 points 17 rebounds. Sarah smith 2 points.

Posted by on Dec 4 2012. Filed under Central, Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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