North Santa Rosa

Message from Greg Evers


Thank you for your support and for allowing me to continue to serve as your State Senator. I am truly honored to renew my commitment today to being a strong conservative voice for our valued communities in Senate District 2.

As a small business owner and farmer – born and raised in Northwest Florida – I hope to do everything in my power to help restore our local and state economies, and to help reduce unnecessary regulations to let our local businesses and industries continue to grow and provide sorely-needed jobs. And as a proud citizen of our great state, I will also fight to protect the personal rights and freedoms of all Floridians, while helping ensure that our state’s sovereignty is never compromised.

I know that the road to prosperity is not always an easy one, but through our hard work and unshakeable faith, I am certain we will get there.

As always, if you need me, call me at (850) 689-0556 or email me directly I never shy away from fighting for my constituents.

Thank you once again, and I look forward to serving you in the Florida Senate.

God Bless,

Greg Evers

Posted by on Nov 8 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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