Fuller Breaks School Record
Kyle Fuller, 10th grader at Central School, has broken the school record for the 5K. At the District 1 – 1A Championship meet, Kyle ran a 17:52 breaking his own record and getting a personal best. Kyle placed 8th at the meet which qualified him for the regional meet. Both the boys and girls teams advanced to the regional meet for the second year in a row.
Team scores:
Girl’s Team Results:
1. Jay 49
2. Rocky Bayou 50
3. PCA 73
4. Central 85
5. Freeport 131
6. Baker 159
7. Paxton 183
Boy’s Team Results:
1. PCA 25
2. Paxton 94
3. Central 106
4. Jay 107
5. Laurel Hill 124
6. Freeport 132
7. Rocky Bayou 158
Kyle Fuller 8th place 17:52; Joshua Strength 20th place 19:16, Keiffer Boyett 22nd place 19:30, Morgan Givens 26th place 19:49, Nick Pooley 30th place 20:37, Garrett Price 35th place 21:25, Garrett Pierce 41st place 22:41
Check out the team page and photos on Facebook.