North Santa Rosa

Living With Purpose by Matt Dobson

My favorite place to visit is the Blue Ridge Mountains. This particular mountain range runs through several states. But, the stretch I prefer runs through the high country of Boone and Asheville, North Carolina. My first visit to this majestic piece of land was during my college years. We had a track meet atAppalachian State University and I was more inspired by the scenery than my coach’s pre-meet talk! I fell in love with its beauty. I’ve since taken many trips there and not once have I returned without being inspired and rejuvenated. One of the scenic routes in western North Carolina is the Blue Ridge Parkway. I highly recommend it because of its breath-taking views. Highway engineers have built bridges and highways in America, Europe, and all throughout the world. Some of these you will never travel. But there’s one highway every person should. This is the Lord’s “H-I-G-H Way”. The Bible says, “And a highway will be there. It will be called the Holy Way. Those who are unclean will not travel on it. But it will be for those who walk in that way. Fools will not walk in it. No lion will be there. No angry and hungry animal will go up on it. They will not be found there. But those whose sin has been paid for will walk there. Those whom the Lord has paid for and set fee will return. They will come to Zion with singing. Joy that lasts forever will crown their heads. They will be glad and full of joy. Sorrow and sad voices will be gone” (Isaiah 35:8-10).

The Lord’s H-I-G-H way is a H-oly Way (v.8). Many people these days travel the low road of self-seeking and sinful pursuits which leads to death. God’s Holy way is the way of purity and love. This road leads to eternal life. Realize “eternal life” doesn’t mean a future life in another world, but a higher life in this one. When we are committed to God’s will, there is no safer route for you to go through life (Rom. 12:1). I’m always amazed at the commitment of the early disciples. All Jesus had to say was “Follow Me”—they turned from self-will and yielded themselves completely to the ever-present Spirit. Sometimes we need a new direction in life. We feel compelled to make a change, but it makes us nervous. Try to understand God’s way is not a road of might, power, and ego, but a pathway of ministry to others. Learn about life through personal experience and share it with others by encouraging them as they live. You and I have a high calling; we are a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), with a task to use all God has given us out of His abundance.

The Lord’s H-I-G-H way is I-nfallible. It’s easy to lose our perspective and travel the low road of doubt and confusion. Life without Christ will drive you that way. Because doubt takes away our confidence, we have to be careful to walk in God’s path that he has already set for us. God’s infallible way is written in His Word. You can depend on it. You can trust in it. Those who come to God in simple, trusting faith, can travel God’s highway with confidence. God is still saying to us in Isaiah 30:21, “This is the way, walk in it.” Whether a man, woman, or teen believes in luck, chance, or an over-ruling purpose depends on whether he has any faith in God. Guidance from the Lord, if it will do us any good, requires two (2) things: #1) a hearing ear and, #2) a responsive spirit. A mind open to God’s guidance and direction does not need to look very far for sign posts of God’s purpose for them. These sign-posts can come in nature, history, books, friends, the Bible and the life and words of Jesus Christ. The “still small voice” of the Holy  Spirit (1 Kings 19:12) speaks to the person who sincerely wants to know the way. Psalm 73:24 says, “You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny”.

The Lord’s H-I-G-H way is also a G-uarded Way (v. 9). Today’s world is a place of danger. You, me, and our families are threatened by sin, strife, and separation. Satan is on the highway going about “like a hungry, roaring lion…seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). But, we’re held safe, for God is more than a match for the devil. Prayer, God’s Word, faith, and a healthy dose of positivity keep us on the guarded way (Psalm 91:9-13). It’s not easy. For every highway, there’s a ditch on both sides. Distractions, temptations, hardships, and failures are always there. But we mustn’t give up. We have to increase endurance and vigilance by praying and relying on God. Amazing things happen to those who walk by faith. The protection that we have in our walk comes through the reinforcing of inner resources. Whatever happens to us physically, our soul lives forever. The modern world has given itself over to the pursuit of security in money, things, and pleasure. Christians have their security in Christ alone.

Since people search for happiness by pursuing pleasure and possessions, they will be disappointed to find that the happiness is short-lived and they can’t carry it with them when they die. We must accept Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives if we are to find true and lasting happiness. It’s the only way. So, God’s highway is a H-appy Way.

The Lord’s H-I-G-H way is a 1) Holy Way, 2) Infallible Way, 3) Guarded Way, 4) Happy Way. God’s highway, through Christ has opened us “a new and living way”. The wonderful thing about this new way is although life is still dangerous, we’re kept safe as long as we stay in God’s will. The return for your faithfulness is joy and gladness. “This is the way, walk ye in it” (Isaiah 30:21). See you in church on Sunday!

This weekly column is written by Matt Dobson. A graduate of Florida State University, Univ. of West Florida, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, he is Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church in Jay, Florida and a 1LT Chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserves. Matt can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living. Visit the Living With Purpose website at

Posted by on Oct 21 2012. Filed under Living With Purpose, Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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