North Santa Rosa

Navarre Beach Lifeguard Season Ends October 28

Navarre Beach Lifeguard Season Ends October 28

Lifeguard season comes to a close at Navarre Beach on Sunday, Oct. 28. The lifeguard season generally runs from March 1 to the end of October. During the peak of the season, 12 lifeguards safeguarded Navarre Beach. Between March and September, lifeguards made 44 rescues. Flags indicating the beach conditions will continue to be posted daily at each Navarre Beach public access area and online at

When visiting Navarre Beach, please follow these safety tips:

·      Familiarize yourself with the flags indicating the various beach conditions:

o       Green Flag- means “low hazard,” but to be aware and continue to practice caution.

o       Yellow flag- indicates “moderate surf and conditions” such as rip currents; swimmers should exercise caution when entering the water.

o       Red flag -“strong currents and high surf” are indicators to stay out the water.

o       Double red flags- swimming in the water is hazardous. Conditions are extremely dangerous and lifeguards will not be able to enter into the water to save you.

o       Purple flag- indicates “dangerous marine wildlife” maybe present. Please exercise safety when entering the water.

·      Never swim alone.

·      Children should be monitored at all times to prevent a potentially dangerous situation.

·      Don’t rely on flotation devices, such as rafts, you may lose them in the water.

·      Keep alcohol, glass, animals, and other items away for preventative safety measures.

·      Protect your head, neck, and spine – don’t dive into unfamiliar water – feet first, first time!

·      Don’t swim at dawn, dusk or at night as these are times when sharks feed.

·      During thunderstorms move inside to a building or vehicle.

·      If you find yourself in a rip current, always remain calm and do not try to fight it. Swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current and then proceed toward the shore.

·      No beach fires- fire residue and superheated sand can severely burn bare feet.    

·      Report hazardous conditions to lifeguards or other beach management personnel at (850) 936-6110.



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Posted by on Oct 18 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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