SRC Tropical Storm Isaac Update #4
Tropical Storm Isaac Update #4
Santa Rosa County is currently under a Tropical Storm Warning. Uncertainty remains in the forecast track, especially beyond 48 hours. Significant hazards extend well away from the center and are still expected to affect Santa Rosa County. The cone of uncertainty being projected on forecast track maps is getting smaller now. However, just because the cone does not cover a portion of our area at the present time does not mean we are impact free or safe. In fact, because this storm is slowing with its forward motion, it may exhibit more track error than is normal. Due to this uncertainly, evacuation orders will remain for Evacuation Zones A & B. Changes to the order will be made when there is more confidence in the forecast.
The Citizens Information Line is open. Citizens may call (850) 983-INFO (4636) with questions.
The Navarre Beach Bridge will remain open until the onset of sustained tropical storm force winds, which is 39 MPH.
Evacuation orders will not prevent residents or businesses from securing or accessing their property on Tuesday morning.
Santa Rosa is currently under a Tropical Storm Warning. A Flood Warning for Blackwater River and Big Coldwater Creek has also been issued.
Beachgoers, swimmers and surfers should heed the double red flag warnings and stay out of the water as deadly rip currents and rough surf conditions are present.
Storm Information as Currently Forecasted by the National Weather Service
Current projections indicate a strong category 2 hurricane at landfall.
Conditions on Tuesday will continue to deteriorate. By Tuesday morning there is a possibility the winds along the coast could be gusting 40 to 50 mph at times in passing rain squalls.
Storm surge is currently forecasted to reach three to six feet.
Rough surf and dangerous rip currents will continue as swells off of Isaac move up to the coast. .
There is a chance that six to 12 inches of rain could fall over portions of our area Tuesday into Wednesday. This would result in an increased risk of inland flooding by Wednesday.
Tornado risks will be increasing as the system approaches the coast.
Actions Taken by Santa Rosa County
A local state of emergency was declared at 10 a.m. Declaring a local state of emergency allows the county to make formal requests to the state and FEMA for assistance.
The emergency operations center is currently activated at a level two and will remain so overnight.
Santa Rosa County officials have issued a mandatory evacuation order for Evacuation Zones A & B including all mobile homes, RV parks, campgrounds, those living in low-lying areas and all of Navarre Beach.
The Citizens Information Line is open 24-hours a day.
Tolls on Garcon Point Bridge are waived until further notice.
Over 10,000 sandbags and 200 cubic yards of sand have been distributed to sandbag sites.
Milton Community Center located at 5629 Byron Street in Milton is open as both a special needs and general shelter. No other shelters are open at this time. DO NOT CALL schools for shelter information.
o Current shelter population: 52 including shelter staff
Additional locations will be announced as they open. All designated shelter locations may not open. Please monitor the local media for announcements for specific shelter openings.
Shelters are opened to ensure your safety. Please remember they are crowded and usually uncomfortable. It is recommended that other arrangements be made to stay at a hotel or with a friends or family in a well-constructed home out of the evacuation area that is properly protected to withstand hurricane force winds.
Anyone needing transportation assistance to a shelter, call (850) 983-4636. We will only provide transportation to a designated shelter.
Residents living in the mandatory evacuation areas are reminded that you need not travel outside the county. It is often easier to shelter with family or friends who live outside the called evacuation zones, a hotel or a public shelter.
To find out if you live in an evacuation zone, visit and enter your address.
Visit for state-wide evacuation & shelter information.
Tips for evacuations can be found online
Health Department
Santa Rosa County Health Department locations have suspended client services, except for those individuals with an immediate need.
All clinic locations will be closed on Tuesday, August 28. The health department will resume normal hours of operation in conjunction with the reopening of Santa Rosa County Offices.
Public Schools
The school system will be closed on Tuesday, August 28. A decision about school on Wednesday will be made on Tuesday morning.
Pensacola State College
Pensacola State College classes will be cancelled effective at 12 p.m., Monday, Aug. 27. Employees are asked to remain on duty until 4 p.m., at which time all College campuses and centers will be closed.
The College will remain closed Tuesday, Aug. 28, and Wednesday, Aug. 29. Unless the situation changes, PensacolaState will reopen for classes Thursday, Aug. 30. If plans change, the College will notify students, faculty and staff through email, social media, and the College web site.
Deadline to drop and add classes will be extended through the end of the day, Friday, Aug. 31.
University of West Florida
Due to Tropical Storm Isaac, UWF has cancelled classes through Wednesday August 29th.
Classes will resume Thursday August 30, weather permitting.
The Department of Housing & Residence Life encourages residents to leave campus during the three day closure, if they can safely travel home or to another location.
At this time, UWF residential students who remain on campus will be asked to shelter in place during the storm. A decision will be made about moving residents to the campus shelter, as more information is received and assessed by UWF’s Emergency Management Team over the next 12 to 24 hours.
County Offices
County offices, including the library system are closed on Tuesday, August 28 until further notice.
The MSBU Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, August 28 at 6 p.m. will be continued until September 4 at 6:30 p.m.immediately after the scheduled Budget Public Hearing in the board room located at 6495 Caroline St., Milton. This means the August 28 hearing will not take place.
County parks, the Navarre Beach Pier, and Central Landfill will close on Tuesday, August 28 until further notice.
Santa Rosa Transit will suspend bus service for Tuesday, August 28.
Southend Garbage Pickup
Residential pickup in the southend franchise area, generally Navarre and the unincorporated areas of Gulf Breeze, has been cancelled for Tuesday, August 28.
Waste Pro and Waste Management will resume garbage collections on the next routine garbage collection day. There will be a makeup collection day on Saturday, September 1 for recycle and yard waste collections.
Santa Rosa County Court System
Please be advised that the Santa Rosa County courts will be closed Tuesday, August 28 and Wednesday, August 29. We will resume regular business hours Thursday.
Criminal Traffic arraignments scheduled for August 28 at 8:30 a.m. have been rescheduled for September 4 at 8:30 a.m. and Misdemeanor arraignments scheduled for August 28th at 1:30 p.m. have been rescheduled for September 7th at 1 p.m.
Judge Rimmer Felony Court scheduled for Tuesday, August 28 at 9 a.m. is rescheduled for August 20 at 9 a.m.
Court schedule for Wednesday, August 29 at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. are rescheduled for September 25 at the same time as previously scheduled.
Jurors scheduled for trials on August 28 and August 29 will be sent a new schedule.
County Court Division I VOP’s scheduled for August 29 at 8:30 a.m. have been rescheduled to September 5 at 8:30 a.m. and County Court Division II Motion Hearings scheduled for August 29 at 9 a.m. have been rescheduled to September 7 at 10:30 a.m.
First Judicial Circuit Courts
Escambia County will be closed Tuesday, August 28. No decision has been made regarding Wednesday at this time.
Persons scheduled for Plea Day before Judge Williams on Tuesday, August 28 have been rescheduled to Friday, August 31 at 1 p.m.
Persons scheduled for Docket Day before Judge Shackelford on Tuesday, August 28th have been rescheduled to Thursday, August 30 at 8:30 a.m.
Santa Rosa County will be closed Tuesday, August 28 and Wednesday, August 29.
Walton County will be closed Tuesday, August 28.
Okaloosa County courts will be closed Tuesday, August 28.
If you were scheduled for any matter not included in the rescheduled events above, please contact your attorney concerning your rescheduling. If you do not have an attorney, please contact the court for a new date.
Please continue to monitor your local media as well as the courts web site at: for updates.
City of Gulf Breeze
The city transfer station will not be open on Tuesday.
Yard waste pickup is postponed until Saturday.
As a general precaution, the City has postponed the normal yard waste collection Wednesday, August 29 to Saturday, September 1. DO NOT place yard waste curbside until after the threat of storm has passed.
City of Milton
City offices will be closed on Tuesday, August 28. Employees are to call (850) 983-5472 after 3 p.m. on Tuesday for information on when to return to work.
Baptist Hospital
Baptist, Gulf Breeze, Jay and Atmore Community hospitals remain fully operational for hospitalized patients and emergency department services.
Elective and diagnostic services at Baptist, Gulf Breeze, Jay and Atmore Community hospitals will be suspended from Mon., Aug. 27, at 10 p.m., until Wed. Aug. 29, at 5 a.m. Such services include those for physician appointments, physical therapy, lab and imaging. In addition, Andrews Institute and Baptist Medical Parks on Nine Mile Road and inNavarre will be closed with normal business hours resuming on Wednesday morning.
In Atmore, Alabama, ACH Family Physicians and ACH Primary Care offices will be open regular hours on Tuesday with limited services.
Please note that Baptist Health Care facilities are not severe weather shelters. For Baptist Health Care updates please check your local news or visit
Traffic Conditions
Bridges will be closed at the onset of substained tropical storm force winds, or 39 MPH.
Residents are asked to stay off the roads on beginning Tuesday afternoon.
Any closures will be announced as they occur.
Florida Forest Service
Blackwater River State Forest will be closed to camping beginning Monday August 27 and day use areas will be closed Tuesday, August 28 until further notice.
Forest Service offices in Santa Rosa and Escambia counties will be closed Tuesday.
Gulf Island Nation Seashore
Gulf Islands National Seashore closed at 6 p.m. Sunday night in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Escambia counties.
J.E. Bowden Way is expected to close at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, August 28.
Sand & Bags
Sand and sand bags are available at local home improvement stores for purchase. Santa Rosa County is making limited supplies available at no cost at several locations. Residents should bring shovels and be prepared to fill and load their own bags. County and fire department staff ARE NOT available to make home deliveries. If fire department staff are on calls, they will not be available to hand out sand bags.
Sand only is available at the following locations while supplies last.
o Tiger Point Park-1370 Tiger Park Lane, Gulf Breeze
o The intersection of Pine Forest Road and Carroll Road in Milton
Empty Sandbags (25-bag limit per vehicle) while supplies last at:
o Midway Fire District Station at 1322 College Pkwy.
o Midway Fire District Station at 1801 Abercrombie Rd.
Sand & Sandbags (25-bag limit per vehicle) while supplies last at:
o Pace Fire Rescue District at 4773 Pace Patriot Blvd.
o Holley-Navarre Fire District at 8618 East Esplanade St. starting at 2 p.m.
Power Outages
Please do not call 9-1-1 to report power outages. Power outages should be reported to Gulf Power at 1-800-GU-Power (1-800-487-6937) or Escambia River Cooperative, Inc. at 1-877-OUT-EREC (1-877-688-3732).
Price Gouging Hotline
Report any suspected price gouging by calling 1-866-9-NO-SCAM (1-866-966-7226). Florida law prohibits extreme increases in the price of essential commodities such as food, water, hotels, ice, gasoline, lumber and equipment needed as a direct result of an officially declared emergency.
General Safety Information or follow us on Twitter at @SRCBOCC
Please monitor your home weather radio and local media outlets for the most up-to-date information.
Your best defense in any disaster is a NOAA Weather radio.
Citizens can signup to automatically receive breaking news alerts from Santa Rosa County Emergency Management via e-mail or as a text message on their cell phone at: