North Santa Rosa

Evers Receives Award

Senator Greg Evers Receives CDAC’s Spirit of Prevention Award


CDAC is presenting its 2012 Spirit of Prevention Award to Senator Greg Evers for his active support of legislation banning synthetic drugs.  Through Senator Evers’ efforts, House Bill 1175: Controlled Substance, which passed on March 23, 2012, added 142 chemical designations.  Thepassage of HB 1175 bans the purchase, possession, sale, and/or distribution of the substances and makes them a Schedule 1 felony.

Synthetic compounds of these chemicals are marketed as Bath Salts with names such as Blue Silk or Vanilla Sky. Synthetic marijuana is sold as Spice, K2, and other names like Lions Tail.  These synthetic drugs have no safety regulation associated with the control of their ingredients.  According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the side effects of bath salts can include severe paranoia, violent behavior, and hallucinations/psychosis and increase heart rate. The side effects of Spice can include loss of control, lack of pain response, vomiting, uncontrolled spastic body movement and severe paranoia with hallucinations.  The packaging for both of these products warns “not for human consumption.”


Senator Evers is applauded for his concern and support of prevention legislation in the State of Florida

The use of Bath Salts and Spice in our community is a serious issue.  For more information call CDAC at 850-434-2724.

Posted by on Aug 21 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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