North Santa Rosa

Jay High Host SGA Rally

The Jay High Student Government Association welcomed the SGA from several  high schools all across the county. Milton, Navarre, Pace and Jay  participated in the Fun Night. With over 60 SGA members present the staff at Jay High entertained the crowd with games, dancing, special music by Sawyer Hudson, motivational speaker, and refreshments.    The Jay High Drumline supplied music and heralded in the guests as they arrived.

The theme for this year in the SGA is “Just Lead It” and the SGA at Jay wanted to bring excitement and motivation to all of the students at the rally as they focus in the upcoming school year.

The guest speaker was Patrick George of Demopolis, Al.  George emphasized the importance of enthusiasm in life.  He spoke of individual potential and encouraged the students to understand that sometimes the struggles in life are necessary.  George also challenged the students to never give up on their dreams, not to let a “NO” stand in their way. “Amazing, a perfect mix of fun and motivation”, described one student.

Jay High SGA Officers are: Anna Gibbs, President; Cody Paramore, Vice-President; Sha Kinder,Secretary ; Brittany Gillman, Treasurer; Colby Odom, Parlimentarian; Cain Caraway, Historian; and Kayla Flowers, Reporter.

Posted by on Aug 15 2012. Filed under Jay High, Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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