North Santa Rosa

“Lock It or Lose It” Awareness Program

Sheriff Hall Launches “Lock It, or Lose It” Awareness Program

Unfortunately, as the economy gets worse, criminals decide to prey on, and steal from, those who leave valuable items inside their unlocked vehicles. Auto burglaries are the number one victim assisted crime. This is very unfortunate because they can be prevented! Despite the continued warnings to the public to secure their vehicles, the number of burglaries to unlocked vehicles continues to rise. Statistically, based on a three year average (2009-2011), 87% of car burglaries in Santa Rosa County are to unlocked vehicles. It is a common tactic of thieves to go through neighborhoods checking for unlocked vehicles. If a vehicle is found to be secured, a thief will usually move on to a different vehicle. Due to this, Sheriff Hall has launched a new public awareness program called “Lock It, or Lose It”. The program involves the placing of “Lock It, or Lose It” bumper stickers on all

marked patrol vehicles to increase public awareness concerning securing their vehicles. Tri-fold pamphlets were also created in partnership with Santa Rosa County Crime Stoppers. These pamphlets will be distributed throughout the community in public locations. They will also be available at the Santa Rosa County Sheriff District Offices. When certain areas in the community start showing a trend in car burglaries to unlocked vehicles, the pamphlets will also be distributed door to door. Sheriff Hall encourages all vehicle owners and drivers to “Lock It, or Lose It”, and to also remove or hide valuables that are inside your vehicle. This simple step can save you from a lot of unnecessary anguish and financial hardship. Do your part, and take the extra second to lock your vehicle!

The Sheriff has also mandated that all marked patrol vehicles display the Santa Rosa County Crime Stoppers phone number and website, as well as a decal promoting “Watch for Motorcycles” in partnership with A.B.A.T.E. (American Bikers Aiming Toward Education).

Posted by on Aug 9 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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