North Santa Rosa

Idgie Performed Higher Than Expectations


Sheriff Hall and School Superintendent Announce Statistics on K-9 “Idgie”

At the beginning of the last school year, the Sheriff’s Office purchased a lab named “Idgie”, with the specific duties of being placed in the Santa Rosa School system. “Idgie”, along with her handler, Deputy Holbrook, have performed past any expectations that were made. “Idgie” is a young K-9, and it was Deputy Holbrook’s first year as a K-9 handler. During the 2011/2012 school year, August 2011 to June 2012, Idgie performed the following:

451 Vehicle Checks

103 Room Checks

2300 Locker Checks

1700 Bag and Personal Article Checks

Alerts that resulted in drugs being found: 7

Alerts where drugs were not located but drug presence was corroborated by student: 18

Besides the drug aspect of the job,Idgie also performed 125 Demos and Public Appearances.

In February 2012,“Idgie” participated in the USPCA(United States Police Canine Association) Region 1 Field Trials in which “Idgie” was awarded 2nd place in VehicleSearches and 5th place over all for the competition.

In May 2012, “Idgie” participated in the USPCA National Detector Dog Field Trials in which “Idgie” achieved 13th place over all for the competition. In this competition, therewere dogs from all over the nation.“Idgie” and Deputy Holbrook beat many veteran dogs and handlers during this national competition.

The 2011-12 school year was a learning year for Idgie” and Deputy Holbrook. Sheriff Hall, Superintendent Wyrosdick, many teachers, and school administration feel that the presence of Idgie was a great deterrent for drugs in the schools. Sheriff Hall, Superintendent Wyrosdick, and Deputy Holbrook anticipate the 2012-13 school year to be even more successful than last year. Congratulations to “Idgie” on a job well done!


Posted by on Aug 9 2012. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

1 Comment for “Idgie Performed Higher Than Expectations”

  1. Elijah Bell

    I am lucky that I get to be with Idgie and Officer Holbrook almost every day at Avalon Middle School. This is an amazing dog and will only get better with time. School will begin soon and we will all get back to educating our students and Idgie will play an important role in keeping our school system free of unwanted drugs.

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