North Santa Rosa

Living With Purpose by Matt Dobson

Faith to be Healed:

 Part I

    It’s long been thought that religious consciousness and faith in a higher power gives way to healing of illnesses. There are too many scenarios where medical science cannot explain instances of healing or the disappearance of disease to not think faith can heal. All improved health in people cannot be attributed to unpredictable change.

    Personally, I know the value of experts in the medical field. My family and countless others have benefitted from gifted medical doctors, physicians, and surgeons when it comes to correcting physical ailments and dilemmas. Many scientists acknowledge, achieving good health includes not only physical culture, but the mental and spiritual culture as well. As a child, my sister had a brain tumor removed. In a follow up visit a few years after her surgery, a MRI revealed another mass (tumor)had formed in her sinus cavity. My sister’s name was placed onseveral church prayer lists and the prayer lists of many individuals. Her own church and deacons prayed very specific prayers over her. A couple of weeks later a second MRI was performed. The doctor came into the room where my sister, mother and father were waiting and he said, “I don’t know what to tell you, but the tumor is gone. It’s not there anymore. I don’t know what happened.” My sister is very quick to tell you what happened!

    It’s important to understand God made both the body and the mind. We respond to medical treatment and faith treatment and God resides over both. He established the process of healthy bodies and minds. Acts 17:28 says, “It is in Him that we live and move and keep on living” (NLV). God wants you to be healthy and He instructs us to care rightfully for our bodies. “Do you not know that your body is a house of God where the Holy Spirit lives?…you belong to God. You do not belong to yourselves…so honor God with your body” (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Why would God not want us to be healthy? Nevertheless, in general, society tends to eat unhealthy and does not exercise as much as it should.

    A doctor can do their part. Loved ones and care-givers can assist the sick. But the one who is in need of healing must sincerely desire to be well. The desire to get better is very important and needed in order to build up real faith that heals. You have heard about having faith as small as a mustard seed—nothing shall be impossible unto you (Matt. 17:20). It isn’t so much the quantity of the faith as the quality of one’s belief. A positive thinking physician will tell you what you need to do and reassure you with words like, “This will make you better.” If you think you’ll be helped, the odds are increased that you will be.

    There was an article published in TIME magazine years ago entitled, “Can The Mind Help Cure Disease?” It discussed the role of emotions in medical prevention or treatment of diseases and shed light to modern science’s discovery of innovative ways to measure the mind’s impact on the body’s health. The article outlined the results of psychotherapy and relaxation in studies involving breast cancer patients, hypertension patients, and sufferers of the common cold. It didn’t discourage people from seeking standard medical practices, but it quoted physicians who acknowledge that mental health helps, but they can’t go beyond that.

    Research also finds resentment, guilt, anger, and fear contribute to physical problems. Add hate to an already compromised immune system and you add one of the most corrosive mental disturbances. Forgiveness can relieve stress upon the body and relieve burdens that are bearing down on you emotionally. The alternative to hate is love. And love is the best curative health-producing product of the mind. Practice more expressions of love and you actually will feel better and the existing pain seems to be better tolerated.

    Are you sick? Do you have health problems or a chronic condition? I can offer you my heartfelt concern and prayers. But you need to try your best to not fear about the future and what might happen to you in the days ahead. You need to know and feel in health and sickness God is still with you. Feel Him at your side and hear Him saying: “Fear not, I am with you” (Isa. 41:10). Faith in God’s power to heal or persevere not only drives away fear and nervousness, but leaves something else. It leaves a brave assurance, a genuine love and closeness for one another. This love still shines through the dark days. People are drawn to those who show love and genuinely mean it. This, in a strange way, keeps away the dread of sickness and gives courage to face whatever may come.

    It lies within you, the power to overcome, to endure, and to more than conquer ill-health through Him who loves you (Rom. 8:37). Decide for yourself to lay hold of the seen and unseen forces to help you deal with your sickness. The Bible says, “He heals those who are brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3). He will not forsake you. He will watch over you with His everlasting love and care. Practice the mind-body technique of well-being and positive thinking. Exercise is important. Choose to exercise everyday as you are physically able. And if you’re prescribed a “necessary” medication, take it as the doctor orders you to. And don’t forget the mental well-being part—always think healthy thoughts. Next week, we will finish Part II of this column. Until then, find a church to pray with other believers and follow God in all things. Do this and you will be kept safe.

This weekly column is written by Matt Dobson. A graduate of Florida State University, Univ. of West Florida, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, he is Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church in Jay, Florida and a 1LT Chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserves. Matt can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living. Visit the Living With Purpose website at  

Posted by on Aug 5 2012. Filed under Living With Purpose, Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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