Wyrosdick Cleared Of Wrongdoing
The Office of the State Attorney announced Wednesday, August 1, 2012 that it has completed its review regarding a complaint alleging possible campaign violations by Santa Rosa County School Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick. This review has determined that there is insufficient evidence to warrant the filing of criminal charges. This review began as a result of a complaint made by Dr. George R. McCormick who is a candidate for the Superintendent position. Attached is an e-mail to Dr. McCormick that more fully sets forth the findings in this matter.
Press Release from the Office of State Attorney First Judicial Circuit of Florida – William Eddins
Letter to McCormick
From: Greg Marcille
To: grmmtm1@bellsouth.net
Date: 8/1/2012 3:56 PM
Subject: Response to Complaint Against Tim Wyrosdick
CC: wyro7082@att.net
Dear Dr. McCormick:
This office has completed its review of your complaint regarding possible campaign finance violations by Tim Wyrosdick. Based upon that review, we have determined that there is insufficient evidence to warrant criminal charges.
In your complaint, you allege that Mr. Wyrosdick accepted a cas contribution in the amount of $200 from Brad Marcilliot. Section 106.09, Florida Statutes, provides that a candidate may not accept more than $50 cash during a single election. In order to be convicted of this charge, the state must prove that the violation was willful. a violation of this section constitutes a first degree misdemeanor.
During the course of our review, we interviewed Brad Marcilliot. Mr. Marcilliot advised that he rarely writes checks and therefore placed two one-hundred dollar bills in an envelope and mailed it to Wyrosdick’s campaign treasure, Sandra Wyrosdick. Sandra Wyrosdick, the sister-in-law of Tim Wyrosdick, was interviewed and advised that she recalled receiving the cash donation from Mr. Marcilliot but that it did not “click” in her mind at that time that the donation was over the legal limit. She indicated that there was a lot going on personally at that time, including a family member who was hospitalized. Mrs. Wyrosdick states that as soon as she was made aware of the violation a complete refund was made.
Tim Wyrosdick also provided a response indicating that he did not notice the cash contribution when he filed his campaign report. He further advised that as soon as he was made aware of the violation, he directed his campaign treasurer to make a full refund.
In addition, we have reviewed Mr. Wyrosdick’s campaign report and this was the only cash donation that exceeded the legal limit.
Based upon our review, we have determined that this was an isolated incident and not a willful violation. For this reason, we will take no further action regarding this matter.
Gregory A. Marcille
Chief Assistant State Attorney
So what came first the chicken or the egg? Did they suddenly realized the error after the complaint. And why slur McCormick? Is it wrong to point out broken regulations. I wish everytime I messed up I could just apologize and say oh well! Good old boys at work.