North Santa Rosa

Living With Purpose by Matt Dobson

  Not too long ago a family in one of our communities lost a dear little child. She was born prematurely and with complications. She was not in this world very long; it was just a few hours and then she was present with the Lord. I write this not to rekindle sorrow and sadness, but to emphasize a very profound and dramatic truth. The obituary of this little child read: “…her life was brief, but so beautiful, and her family longs for the day when they will all be reunited…she lived within her mother’s womb for eight months, and during that time, she made a great impact on many who loved her and prayed for her…every treasured minute of her brief life was sacred and was filled with love and joy, and she passed peacefully while being cradled by her family. Hers was a short, but full life designed by her loving Creator.” I found this to be beautifully written and eternally true.

    This is a classic example of why every life is purposeful. We know this is true because life is created by God Himself. God does not make mistakes and regardless of our falling short in life, we have a purpose for living. This little child led others to pray to God and pray fervently. Prayer is communication with God. Anytime a person seeks God out, the relationship has the potential to be strengthened. Any life, male or female, young or old that can lead a person to God, is fulfilling a divine and unique purpose. As brief as life was for her, this infant fulfilled her purpose and God carried her home.

    It’s hard to reason about the brevity of life at times. We live and breathe and wonder if we are doing what were supposed to do. Put your life in God’s hands and wonder no more. Two children, after completing a study on birds native to their area, started out one Saturday to find the “Blue Bird of Happiness” (North American Blue Bird). Throughout the countryside they searched—even riding their bikes to a neighboring town looking for the infamous bird. They couldn’t find it. Tired and discouraged they came home. Only to find it was there, singing joyfully in their own back yard. The things God wants to give you and the things you are to enjoy are often found in your own life. People look outside themselves sometimes to find fulfillment. They reach for another drink, the pill bottle, a bad habit, or a relationship that’s not meant for them. Life purposes are free to be discovered whether you live a few years or several decades. God will place in our life the things and people we need to fulfill our purpose. No matter how long a person lives, there is meaning behind every life—a purpose to be discovered. And many times it’s right before us.

    One of the greatest reasons God gives us family and friends is so we can experience and express love toward one another. We are never more like Jesus, than when we love each other. Look for love inside yourself. If you find none, there is a resource for that condition. The Bible says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8).

    Through the years I have ministered to families who have had children called home to heaven at an early age. Every one of them, although saddened by their passing, have portrayed a deep feeling of comfort and peace knowing their little one is safely in the loving care of God. There are others who are bowed down with sorrow and sadness. Because of the emotional toil, you would think this is enough to take the joy out of any life; that these families would be held in prison sentences of grief. But, this is not always true. Christian families, who lose children due to death, have something within them, which is like a roof over their heads when the rain starts to fall. My own mother has shared with me the story of grief concerning the loss of her 3 year old baby sister to cancer years ago. The ripple effects of this innocent, little girl, who loved Jesus, led to the salvation of her own father. A young life, yet powerful enough to reach down and touch the soul of someone with the love of God.

    Sometimes it takes a tragedy to get the attention of an adoring public. During these times it’s important to remember it’s not an unloving God that causes these things. It’s the profound presence of God in the experience that proves God cares about the young and old. Every life is precious. It’s through the hard school of experience we learn about love and we learn to appreciate every waking moment we have no matter how short the time.

    Sorrow and sadness may come to you in many ways. Not always through death, but often through the misspent life of the one you love, and through the hard blows that life often deals. Do not go looking for joy, love, and peace in new places. But first, take note of the love in your own back yard. Tell those that live in your own home how much you love them. Celebrate the giftedness of everyone you know. Appreciate life, value your time here (Col. 4:5), and nurture the life of someone else by showing that you care.

    I believe that without purpose there is no reason to live. That’s why God gives purpose to every life He creates. There is reason to be born; a very specific purpose for living. Find it! Let others help you find it. And let Romans 12:1 be your guide: “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present yourselves a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, unto God, which is your reasonable service.” You are a living sacrifice—both here on earth and in heaven. Make the most of every opportunity (Eph. 5:16) for eternity’s sake, while you have the chance. Find a church where you can worship, attend it faithfully, and follow God in all your ways.

This weekly column is written by Matt Dobson. A graduate of Florida State University, Univ. of West Florida, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, he is Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church in Jay, Florida and a 1LT Chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserves. Matt can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living. Visit the Living With Purpose website at  

Posted by on Jul 15 2012. Filed under Church News, Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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