North Santa Rosa

JES 6th Grade Graduation

Jay Elementary hosted the annual 6th grade graduation on Wednesday, June 6th.  Sixth Grade teachers are: Mary Beasley, Jamie Gavin, Belinda Blackman and Carey Locklin.

The JES Class of 2012 Awards:

JES Graduation 2012

President’s Award for Educational Excellence–


Cydney Covert

Nathan Dunsford

Jackson Flowers

Austin Gonzalez

Reid Kelley

Timmy Locklin

Landon Smith

Matthew Taylor

Brandon White


President’s Award for Educational Achievement


          Kassadi Borders

          Christian Kent

          Andrew Sawyer

          Will Seib

          Anna-Grace Smith


A Honor Roll (Students sat on stage and conducted program.) Received a trophy


          Cydney Covert                       Maggie McGee

          Nathan Dunsford                   Jescie Roberts

          Jackson Flowers                     Will Seib

          Sarah Geck                             Anna-Grace Smith

          Timmy Locklin                      Brandon White



A/B Honor Roll –received a trophy


          Autumn Ates                          Noah Goodson         Kendra Weekes

          Kassadi Borders                     Reid Kelley

          Luke Burkhead                      Kameryn Lewis

          Olivia Cook                            Brandy Lowery  

          Cordale Courtney                  Tanner Macks

          Morgan Floyd                        Anabel Sheppard

          Jackson Free                          Matthew Taylor

          Austin Gonzalez                     Haylee Watson


  Subject Area Awards—  received a trophy

       Language Arts— Cydney Covert     


       Math—Cydney Covert  (There was a tie.)

                   Jackson Flowers


       Reading— Cydney Covert


       Social Studies— Cydney Covert


       Science— Cydney Covert


      Band—Destiny Sump


 P.E.— Boy—Andrew Sawyer

             Girl—Kendra Weekes


ITV Crew–received a medallion, certificate, and gift certificate to McDonald’s


Cydney Covert

Jackson Flowers

Sarah Geck

Timmy Locklin

Jescie Roberts

Will Seib

Haylee Watson

Brandon White


Good Citizenship Award from the Sons of the American Revolution—received a certificate

1.     Tanner Macks

2.                  Jackson Free

3.                  Will Seib

4.                   Matthew Taylor

5.                   Jescie Roberts

6.                   Anna-Grace Smith

7.                   Brandy Lowery

8.                   Kendra Weekes



DAR Citizenship Award—received a certificate and a pin

    Austin Gonzalez


Jay Elementary School’s Mr. and Miss Citizenship—received a trophy       

   Timmy Locklin and Maggie McGee

Posted by on Jun 7 2012. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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