North Santa Rosa

Your Future Is Your Own-Taylor Mitchell Addresses the Central Class of 2012

Taylor Mitchell, Valedictorian of the Central High Class of 2012 addressed her class with these words:

Good Evening, graduates, parents, students, faculty and staff, family and friends. Thank you all for coming to celebrate the graduation of Central’s Class of 2012.

Let’s start with a story from the Bible about Daniel, but for those who don’t the story Daniel was captured, along with many more of God’s people, and taken to live in a foreign country. In this country they had different traditions and customs and it was not acceptable to worship God. But Daniel chose to continue serving God. Even though it meant that he was risking death. When the king discovered that Daniel was breaking the law by praying to God, he had Daniel thrown into a den of hungry lions. When his jailors went to retrieve Daniel’s lifeless body the next day, they discovered that he had not been harmed. With God on his side, Daniel displayed the dedication and commitment to persevere through his struggles. Throughout high school we have all had our shares of ups and downs, good days and bad days, but through dedication and commitment we have all achieved our goal of being Central’s graduating Class of 2012.

I would like to take this time to thank my family and friends for always being supportive in everything I do. Mom and Dad: I cannot thank you enough for everything you have sacrificed for me. I know that sitting in 100 degree heat during my softball tournaments was not how you wanted to spend your weekends, but thank you for giving me the opportunity and putting me first. You have always been there for me, and if it was not for you pushing me to do my very best I would not be standing here tonight. Mom: I want to thank you for never settling for a B, because you knew that an A was attainable. I appreciate the numerous hours you have helped me with homework, and written assignments. Without you I would have not taken my academics seriously. Thank you for pushing me because I know you were just looking out for my future. Dad: Thank you very much for taking me to travel ball practice all those years, and the extra ground balls and batting practice.  Dad you are my  biggest fan and I would not be the athlete or person I am today without you. Jackson: Although you are my little brother and are still young, you have made one of the biggest impacts in my life and I love you for that. I would also like to thank my Paw-paw for always reminding me that education is the most important thing a person can have, and sharing his many life lessons with me. One life lesson that you have taught me that I will never forget is ” It’s not how much money you have, but what you do with it.” Additionally, I would like to thank God for everything He has done for me. I have been blessed in so many ways, and I know that none of this would have been possible without Him.

Next, I want to thank the senior class sponsors, faculty, staff, and administration for supporting the class of 2012. I personally would like to thank Mr. Pappal for always being there for me if I needed help, and all the extra tutoring. The clock never matters. Even after teaching all day, he was always willing to help me achieve my goals. As well, I would like to thank Ms. Harrod for truly caring about her students’ success, and being so patient and kind. Thank you for caring enough to make that special phone call home in tenth grade. It showed how much you care. In some way or another each of you has been an influence in my life, whether it was furthering my academic career or instilling a valuable lesson.

I would like to say congratulations to Bradford Gaines who is Central’s class of 2012 Salut-atorian. I know that you worked really hard too.

As for the Class of 2012, we finally have made it and we sit here tonight about to graduate high school. When we were younger we couldn’t wait for this day to come. But maybe just for tonight, we can sit here and enjoy the moment, because as we look back on the past four years, it becomes clear that time has gone by far too quickly. I know that I’m still a “new kid”, but Central will always be my home just like Allentown was for my grandmother Sarah Dozier, and for all my Campbell cousins!

Our class motto is “Nothing we can do can change the past. But everything we do changes the future.” We don’t know what our future holds, but I’m sure the education we have received from Central will be an asset to us along the way.  We are all about to make this new transition in our lives and are all going our separate ways. We will go to college, join the military, start our careers and our own families.

As we leave here tonight, I want the graduates to remember that success is not measured by our G.P.A.’s. Success is not how high our salaries are. Success is knowing we have the power to do anything we set our mind to and then working hard to accomplish our goals just like Daniel. Awards can be revoked, salaries can be reduced to nothing; but knowing we have the potential to accomplish anything can never be taken away from us.

Graduates, nothing in life is easy, you will have you share of ups and downs, but your future is your own. I want to thank everyone for coming tonight and sharing this special evening with us. I wish the best of luck to my classmates and congratulations to the Central’s class of 2012. And remember, once a jaguar, always a jaguar. Thank you!

Posted by on Jun 5 2012. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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