North Santa Rosa

Living with Purpose by Matt Dobson

Everyone needs at least three things in life: 1) A purpose to live for, 2) A self they can live with, and 3) A faith they can live by. And when it comes to doing the impossible, you better know God if you want to get very far. Life is full of challenges and the world wants Christians to sit down, shut-up, and keep to themselves. That would be very easy to do. But God doesn’t want us walking down easy street, because He knows, and we ought to know, ease, comfort, and pleasure all the time…in time, will make us soft. If there is one thing you must believe, it is God does care, God is interested in you and He has created the world, your mind and your body so all of these things will work together with you in overcoming what might seem impossible to you and everybody else (Matt. 17:20).

What will it take for you to break out of a rut? A key which turns the lock to the impossible is prayer. The prayer of faith is what moves mountains. I could give you scenario after scenario of how God has proven Himself faithful to me personally as a result of sincere and genuine prayer. The prayer given with the right heart and motivation sets in motion the greatest power in the universe. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).

Some people pray to express opinions. Some pray to impress other people. Not much becomes of these kind. They are virtually ineffective and faithless. The petition made to God, which are subject to His will and accompanied by faith, bring about desired results, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matt. 21:22). If you’ve been praying about something, don’t get in the business of thinking God’s delays in answering are really denials. Sometimes God just wants you to wait. It’s as simple as that and that’s OK, because He knows best! Prayer is the power that pulls things together successfully, God’s way. Jesus says, “You may ask me anything in my name and I will do it” (John 14:14). We keep hope alive by tapping into the limitless power of prayer.

Prayer and faith makes the impossible…possible. One of the purposes of faith and belief is that we can know that for every problem, God will provide a solution. God reveals His will to those who seek it and He has a definite plan for you. You have to shake off the failings in life, the missteps, the wrong attitudes and realize God does not see you as you are, but as what you can become. Claim the promises He has given. Galatians 3:14 says, “So that by faith we might receive the promises of the Spirit.” Do not  fear what you’re facing right now. Take on the new challenge before you. Step out in faith. Read and meditate on God’s Word, claiming His promises for your very own and you can know God is present with you in spite of what circumstances might appear to say. The Bible says, “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promises of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God” (Romans 4:20).

If somebody tells you, you can’t do something—check your resources, surround yourself with people that believe in you, practice positive thinking, and imagine yourself succeeding. The potential of faith is beyond comprehension. “…all things are possible to him or her that believeth” (Mark 9:23). We are limited only by our failure to believe. Consider your possibilities in life. What is it you want to do? Is it right? Is it just? Is it pure? Does it bring glory to God if done the right way? If so, then it can happen! But, God may have something better for you than what you have in mind. Don’t give up on what you want to do while waiting on God to equip you. Pray, pray, pray. What appears to be the end of the road, may just be a bend in the road. Don’t slam on the breaks and bail out on your dreams or difficulties. Make an effort, not an excuse. Remember the task ahead of you is never as great as the strength within you. You keep believing and pursue the possibilities of faith. Always look for the potential in today and expect God to do a marvelous work through you.

Many people talk about the power of dreams and goals. And some settle for second best—Don’t Do This! Only accept the best. Go after it. Don’t let disappointments and failures keep you from moving forward or moving ahead. There’s too much at stake for you. Shape your dreams by your hopes, not your hurts. The hurts God allows in your life can be just the thing to enable you. Treat them as “stepping stones” to something greater that He has in store for you. You see, hope is not the absence of suffering, its positive living in the presence of God’s love.

It takes just one God-inspired positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive, to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. Christians should be positive thinkers, because positive thinkers are incurably obsessed with the creative notion the best is yet to be! And my friends, the best is worth waiting for. Find a church, attend faithfully, and follow God in all your ways.

  • This weekly column is written by Matt Dobson. A graduate of Florida State University, Univ. of West Florida, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, he is Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church in Jay, Florida and a 1LT Chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserves. Matt can be reached by email: He welcomes your thoughts concerning faith, belief, and Christian living. Visit the Living With Purpose website at
Posted by on Jun 3 2012. Filed under Living With Purpose, Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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