North Santa Rosa

JHS Students Attend State TIP Award Ceremony

Three Jay High Students were honored for their accomplishment on ACT scores.  Duke University’s TIP (Talent Identification Program) program is co-sponsored with the University of Florida’s Center for Pre-Collegiate Studies.  They hosted a special award ceremonies  to bring families together so they can celebrate the outstanding achievement of 7th Grade Talent Search participants at UF’s Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.

Students qualify for recognition ceremonies based on ACT and SAT scores. Qualifying students receive invitations in April. Students invited were: Harley Tagert, James Hatfield, and Mackenzie Porter.  Cody Wolfe qualified to attend the Grand Ceremony.

2011-2012 State Qualifying Levels

Students invited to a state ceremony meet at least one of the following criteria:


ACT English ≥ 20
ACT Math ≥ 20
ACT Reading ≥ 21
ACT Science ≥ 21
* Or with three of the four following scores English = 19, Math = 19, Reading = 20, Science = 20

Grand Qualifying Levels

Students invited to the grand ceremony must meet at least one of the following criteria:


ACT English ≥ 29
ACT Math ≥ 28
ACT Reading ≥ 30
ACT Science ≥ 27
ACT Composite ≥ 27

Posted by on May 23 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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