Enjoy the Summer LEGALLY on Coldwater Creek
Enjoy the Summer LEGALLY on Coldwater Creek
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is expecting large crowds this year on Coldwater Creek and theSteel Bridge Roadareas during the Memorial Day Weekend. In keeping with last summer, this is a reminder of several changes that were made concerning land use by citizens:
- The wooded area and beaches on Munson Highway, eastand southeast of theColdwaterBridge(near Bob’s Canoes) is owned by RMS Properties, and has been posted as “No Trespassing”; violators are subject to arrest. The area directly under the bridge, where private citizens normally get out of the creek after a canoe trip, is county right-of-way, and is not posted. Entrance to and from the waterway in this area is still permitted.
- There is an area onMunson HighwaynearColdwaterBridgethat is marked as “No Parking” and violators could be ticketed or towed at owner expense.
- The beach areas located around Steel Bridge Road, another area frequented by canoers and picnickers, is posted by the State of Florida as “No Alcoholic Beverages Allowed”. Person(s) found in possession of alcohol in these areas are subject to a citation and/or monetary fine. Also being enforced is county ordinance 2003-245, which bans all glass bottles from SR County waterways; punishable by $50.00 fine.
- In the past, several vehicle burglaries and property thefts have occurred while citizens park their vehicles and enjoy the creek; however, most of these could have been prevented if the owners simply secured their possessions in a safe concealed area (like a locked trunk) or left them at home for the day.
These violations will be enforced by both uniformed and non-uniformed deputies and the Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit patrolling these areas and the creek, for the remainder of the summer. The Sheriff’s Office also wants to remind everyone to keep these areas clean and litter-free.
Posted by North Santa Rosa
on May 23 2012. Filed under Local.
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