North Santa Rosa

2012 Disaster Preparedness Guide is Now Available

2012 Disaster Preparedness Guide

Santa Rosa County Division of Emergency Management’s latest all-hazards disaster guide is now available online at or starting next week at county offices and libraries, local chambers of commerce, and local retailers including Walmart, Winn Dixie and Publix. In addition to providing updated information on what to do before, during and after a wide variety of disasters that could impact our area, the annual 48-page free guide includes new information on actions residents should take during each stage of the hurricane cone, disaster planning for the farm, and an updated shelter map with Jay High School, a new general shelter for 2012. Churches, civic groups, and businesses may also request multiple copies for distribution as supplies allow by calling Santa Rosa County Emergency Management at (850) 983-5360 .

 With hurricane season beginning Friday, June 1, emergency management would like to remind residents that it only takes one storm to cause major devastation to our community. The last major storm to hit our area was six years ago and it is easy to become complacent. The key to reducing the impact of a disaster on you and your family is to have a plan, get a kit and stay informed . Preparing now will reduce the stress of last minute preparations.

 Santa Rosa County Emergency Management issues the annual free publication as a general guideline to follow when preparing for disasters.   As seen in the past, hurricanes are not the only disasters that face residents.   Santa Rosa County Emergency Management urges citizens to be prepared and have a plan for all potential disasters.   The disaster guide is funded by an Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Base grant for public awareness and education.


Posted by on May 21 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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