North Santa Rosa

Anita Murphy Boutwell, was given the prestigious Sacred Heart Hospital Nursing Excellence Award

Local Flomaton resident, Anita Murphy Boutwell, was given the prestigious Sacred Heart Hospital Nursing Excellence Award, last Thursday, during Nurse Appreciation Day, in the Dudley Greenhut Auditorium.

The event was part of an entire week’s worth of celebratory events highlighting the hospitals appreciation of its largest single group workforce.
Anita was nominated by her Labor and Delivery managers and her qualities of nursing excellence, as well as her personal and spiritual values all joined to make her the obvious choice to represent thousands of employees working for Ascension Health/Sacred Heart.
Anita works steadily throughout her day providing excellent nursing care for her high risk pregnancy patients. Always with a smile, a joke, or a kind word. She shares her Christian beliefs and words of encouragement generously and then she goes home and takes care of her daughter Kalena who requires total care following a shunt malfunction when she was 4. She’s now 14.
Anita’s family from Flomaton came to help her celebrate her award, including her husband, mother, son, sister, 2 sister-in-laws, niece and great-niece, mother-in-law and father-in-law (who keep Kalena during the week) – all a surprise to Anita.
The day would have only been made better, according to Boutwell,  if Marine son, Cory, had made it home from Japan just one day earlier – flying into Pensacola Regional on Friday, a day after the ceremony. “Otherwise it was perfect.”

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Anita Boutwell
Posted by on May 14 2012. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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