JHS Seniors and Parents Graduation Information
Jay High Schedule of Events for Parents and Seniors of the Class of 2012. Below is a checklist seniors need to follow:
SENIORS: Be sure you have all your credits for graduation.
SENIOR CAP AND GOWN: May be picked up and paid for ($31.00) starting Wednesday the 16th from Mrs. Lynn Atkins. Checks made payable to Jay High School.
SENIOR ACADEMIC AWARDS DATE is on Wednesday May 23 followed by AWARDS for SPORTS and grades 7-11 Academics Awards on May 25 Friday.
Senior Sign-Off Sheets: All fees must be paid in full before diploma can be given. These sign-off sheets are due back to Mrs. Debbie Killam before graduation practice on the 31st of May.
May 23 Wednesday Yearbook Signing/Pizza Party End of 3rd until 5th
MAY 26 Saturday: Senior Prom 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM UWF
MAY 27 Sunday: Baccalaureate 6:00 PM – JHS Auditorium
MAY 29 Tuesday: 5th and 6th Period Exams 12:15 – 2:00 PM
MAY 30 Wednesday: 3rd and 4th Period Exams 9:55 – 11:40 AM
MAY 31 Thursday: 2nd Period Exam 9:00 – 9:50 AM
Graduation Practice 10:00 – 11:15 AM
Walking the Halls 11:30 – 12:00 PM
Senior Luncheon 1:00 PM – Till Completed
June 1 Friday: 1st Period Exam Make ups for any other missed exams.
Jay High School Graduation 6:00 PM.
Other Important Dates and Events:
- Senior Skit Night: Tuesday, May 15 2012, 6:00 PM in the JHS Auditorium. Rehearsal will be Monday, May 14th.
- Senior photos for the slide show MUST be turned in to Mrs. Nina Hendricks NO LATER than May 16. You may submit a young photo, a current photo, and numerous group photos with classmates. Place in a plastic bag and label with your name, contact number and 1st period teacher.
- Band Spring Concert: Thursday, May the 17th, 6:00 PM in JHS Gymnasium.
- Band Banquet: Monday, May the 21st, 6:00 PM Jay Community Center.
- Graduation Practice is a Full Dress Rehearsal. Your Cap and Gown is required dress for this practice and Walking the Halls.
- Students should report to cafeteria by 5:00 PM fully dressed in cap and gown. Boys white shirt and dark tie, dark shoes. Girls’ dark shoes no flip flop type sandals.
- Cap and Gown cost is $31. Extra Tassels: $8.50, Mini Tassel with Key Ring: $15.00, Mega Tassel: $17.00.
- Graduation Picture Packets: $20.00. Mrs. Junia Fischer will be taking these photos during Graduation Practice.
Project Graduation: Bus will leave JHS at 10:00 PM and return at 5:30 AM. All participating must ride the bus to and from Oop’s Alley.
Senior gift this year will be a CD with the class song, written by Sawyer Hudson.
Senior Luncheon tickets are on sale now, and may also be purchased at Skit Night. The seniors do not need a ticket, but can purchase up to 3 tickets for family members at $10 each. Sonny’s will cater the luncheon.