I believe….
I believe….What started as a motivational tool with the Jay High cheerleaders has come to be the mantra the student body has embraced. The students, community, teachers are wearing the shirts that say “I Believe” . From the beginning of the school year with the cross country team to the girls final game at Clermont, these simple words have brought inspiration and strength. Believing in our athletes to do their best, setting a higher standard, encouraging them to excel is the aim.
Over 100 parents, family, fellow students, and community members traveled literally hundreds of miles to watch the Jay Lady Royals play for the state championship. One Loyal Fan came home from North Carolina by way of South Florida. This group of girls have shown what winning is about: the glory and the guts. They show up early for practice, work hard, encourage one another, and focus on their goal.
Winning is about more than the score at the end of the game. These girls were winners for many reasons and just to name a few:
- The spirit of teamwork
- Their attitude
- Their determination
- And their love and joy of just playing the game
Lady Royals State championship |