Directions to Atmore Recreation Fields – Tom Bryne Park and Porch
Directions to Tom Bryne Park Atmore:
West on Hwy 4 about 7 miles
Right on N. Century Blvd. (Hwy 29) 3 miles
Left on Hwy 31 about 13 miles
Left on Medical Park Dr about 1 mile
Park is located at the intersection of Medical Park and Lindberg Ave.
Directions to Porch:
West on Hwy 4 about 7 miles
Right on N. Century Blvd. (Hwy 29) 3 miles
Left on Hwy 31 about 14 miles
Right on Main st. about 1/2 mile
Left on Co.Rd 1 ( Howard St. or Jack Springs Rd.) almost 7 miles
Left on Lynn McGhee Dr. about 1/2 mile Park will be on the right
Posted by North Santa Rosa
on May 10 2012. Filed under Community.
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Mercy me,
I added all the addresses of the ballparks for you, under te softball schedule post. Hope they help you out!
Thanks Royals, this is great for all to have.
I live in Atmore and work at Poarch and these directions are accurate. I would add – – As you head toward Poarch, once you turn left onto Howard St. at Church’s Chicken, the road will soon fork and you should bear right to get off Howard and onto Jack Springs Rd. Once you go almost 7 miles, you will see the “Poarch” sign on the left but just keep on going until you get to the “Old School” and go left onto Lynn McGhee. Welcome to Atmore and Poarch, Alabama!