Passenger Dead After Early Morning Accident At Sandy Landing
Passenger dead after early morning accident at Sandy Landing
19 year old Jasmine Celest Wuesthoff, of Pace, was pronounced dead at the scene by Santa Rosa EMS. The 1997 Chevy Blazer driven by Calan Floyd Lewis, 23 of Pace, was travelingeastbound in the eastbound lane of Sandy Landing Road at 2:04 am on Friday April 25, 2012.
For unknown reasons Calan lost control of the vehicle causing it to veer to the left into the westbound lane of Sandy Landing Road, sliding sideways in a counter clockwise spin before traveling off the roadway onto the north shoulder. The Blazer then continued traveling northeastoff the roadway causing the right side to strike several small trees before it began to overturn.The Blazer overturned on top of the trees and shrubs and landed upside down facing northwest. Floyd was listed in serious condition following the accident. A Florida Highway Patrol traffic homicide investigation is ongoing. According to the FHP neither the driver nor the passenger were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident.