Florida College System’s State Softball Championship Returns to P-Cola
Florida College System’s State Softball Championship Returns to Pensacola
16 Teams to Compete April 27 – April 29 for Bids to National Tournament
The Pensacola Sports Association (PSA) in coordination with the City of Pensacola Department of Neighborhood Services, and Pensacola State College is pleased to announce that the three entities will be hosting the Florida College System Activities Association (FCSAA) Women’s Fast Pitch Softball Championship. This is the second year of a four-year contract.
From April 27 to April 29, 16 teams from across the state who have qualified for the state tournament will make their way to Pensacola to compete for the opportunity to advance to the national tournament. This championship actually consists of two district tournaments and a state championship game. The two district champions will advance to play for the national championship in St. George, Utah.
“We are again excited to host this event. We have one year of experience under our belts and we are using that experience to further enhance the event for both the student-athlete and the spectators,” said PSA Executive Director Ray Palmer. “I also predict an even larger crowd of family and friends traveling to support the teams as we heard a lot of very positive comments from the teams last year, many who had never visited our part of the state and who were looking to returning and telling their friends and families about our area.”
Exchange Park will hold all the games at its newly renovated four-field complex. Recent upgrades including new field fences, expanded field lengths, dugouts, paint, field work, and remodeled air-conditioned bathrooms.
“The City of Pensacola welcomes the 16 best Florida state college softball teams on April 26-29 at the newly renovated Exchange Park Softball Facility,” commented Pensacola Athletic Superintendent Buddy Connelly. “Being the host City of this prestigious tournament is an honor for our City and our Department of Parks & Recreation. We hope everyone enjoys our efforts to make this tournament the best of an already memorable year for these Schools. The City Staff looks forward to serving all participants and making this tournament a lifetime memory for these young women.”
In addition to the competing teams traveling to Pensacola, the FCSAA Executive Director Jeb Blackburn and staff and college administrators will be in attendance for conference meetings and to watch the great softball action.
“We are looking forward to returning to Pensacola for the Florida College System Activities Association State Fast-Pitch Softball tournament,” said Blackburn. “We received wonderful comments about the tournament last year and the staff of the Pensacola Sports Association and the City Parks staff have been awesome. We hope to fill the stands to watch some great competition.”
Fans are sure to be entertained as they watch some of the best collegiate softball in the country. Teams already qualified include Florida State College at Jacksonville, Seminole State College, Santa Fe College, Daytona State College, Indian River State College, Miami Dade College, Brevard Community College, Chipola College, Tallahassee Community College, Gulf Coast State College, Northwest Florida State College, State College of Florida, St. Petersburg College, Polk State College, and Hillsborough Community College. A playoff will be played between St. John’s River State College and College of Central Florida to determine the 16 th and final team.
Fans can follow the teams qualifying at www.thefcsaa.com and click on “Softball” for the state scoreboard.
Tickets will be available at the gate at Exchange Park for $7, children 4 and under are free. Three day tournament passes are $18.
Contact Jason Libbert with the Pensacola Sports Association at 434-2800 or e-mail jlibbert@pensacolasports.com for more information.