Berrydale Crossroads to Become 4-Way
News today from the Florida Department of Transportation states that after traffic studies the State will be converting the intersection at Hwy 87 and State Road 4 into a 4 – way stop. Several safety features will be installed and portable message signs will be placed at least two weeks before the conversion in complete. Below is the letter sent to citizens who expressed their concerns to the Department of Highway Safety. In addition to the 4-Way Stop the following will also be implemented:
- the installation of advanced warning signs (with flashing beacons) on all four approaches per FDOT Design Standards,
- the installation of advance warning rumble strips on four approaches,
- the installation of portable variable message boards on both approaches of S.R. 87 at least two weeks in advance of the intersection conversion to a 4-way stop condition in an effort to inform motorists of impending changes to traffic operation at this location,
- the replacement of the existing incandescent flashing beacon with a 4-way red flashing Light Emitting Diode (LED) device, and
- the reduction of the posted speed for the eastbound and westbound S.R. 4 approaches from 55 MPH to 45 MPH.
Letter to Citizens:
April 16, 2012
Subject: Intersection of S.R. 87 and S.R. 4
Dear XXXXXXXXX, et al.:
We have finalized our review of the intersection of S.R. 87 and S.R. 4 and would like to share the results with you. Please note, the Department’s traffic engineering studies typically include the evaluation of several improvement scenarios. Some the scenarios that are generally assessed include: signalization, multi-way stops, geometric improvements such left-turn lanes, right-turn lanes, medians, islands or channelization that may also improve intersection operation and/or safety as well as any changes deemed necessary to posted speed limits. Thank you for the opportunity to provide assistance.
In regard to potential signalization, a traffic signal warrant analysis was conducted using the procedures described in Chapter 4C of the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The analysis included traffic volume counts on all of the approaches to the referenced intersection, turning movement counts over the course of ten hours, a review of documented crash history from the past five years, operational speed study and visual intersection operation observations. All applicable MUTCD traffic signal warrants were evaluated and revealed the traffic volumes on both the S.R. 87 and S.R. 4 approaches were lower than the volumes required by federal guidelines to warrant the installation of a fully-actuated traffic signal.
While signalization was not recommended, we plan to convert the intersection from a two-way stop control condition to an intersection with stop control on all approaches (e.g., 4-Way Stop condition) in order to further enhance safety at this location. Other planned improvements for this location that will be implemented by the Department in conjunction with the conversion to a 4-Way stop condition include:
– the installation of advanced warning signs (with flashing beacons) on all four approaches per FDOT Design Standards,
– the installation of advance warning rumble strips on four approaches,
– the installation of portable variable message boards on both approaches of S.R. 87 at least two weeks in advance of the intersection conversion to a 4-way stop condition in an effort to inform motorists of impending changes to traffic operation at this location,
– the replacement of the existing incandescent flashing beacon with a 4-way red flashing Light Emitting Diode (LED) device, and
– the reduction of the posted speed for the eastbound and westbound S.R. 4 approaches from 55 MPH to 45 MPH.
Again, we sincerely appreciate your input concerning this matter, and ask you to bear with us until these operational and safety improvements can be implemented. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jared Perdue, P.E., District Traffic Operations Engineer, toll-free at 1-888-638-0250, extension 692 or via e-mail at
/s/ James T. Barfield
James T. Barfield, P.E.
District Secretary
Handled by:
Greg Vickery
District Communications Coordinator
Florida Department of Transportation
District 3 Administration Building
Office of the District Secretary
Post Office Box 607, Chipley, Florida 32428