North Santa Rosa

JES Rookie of the Year – Lindsey Russell

Rookie of the Year for Jay Elementary is Lindsay Russell.  She is currently a Kindergarten teacher.  This is her first year.

She graduated from the University of West Florida in April 2011. Prior to graduating, she completed two 100 hour practicums in Santa Rosa County (one at S.S. Dixon Primary in 1st grade, and one at Berryhill Elementary in 4th grade).  Lindsay also completed a one year internship in Escambia County at Lincoln Park Elementary (4th grade).

Lindsey  grew up in a military family, and spent her life traveling up and down the east coast. Her  family settled down in Pace in 2004. Lindsey graduated from Pace High School in 2007, and immediately began studying to become a teacher at the University of West Florida. “ This has been a very eventful year of teaching! On top of this being my FIRST year, I also got married in December. I have had such an amazing experience at Jay Elementary and I am lucky to work with such a great staff! They have been so supportive! “, Lindsey said of her year.

When asked about why she wanted to become a teacher  Lindsey had this to say, “I have wanted to be a teacher since I was four years old. I spent countless hours playing “school”, grading fake papers, and teaching imaginary students. As I grew up, my dream never changed! It is very rewarding to be able to make a difference in a child’s life. I thoroughly enjoy challenging my students while supporting them in every aspect of their academics. That look on their face when they get an answer right, sound out a word, or read a book for the first time on their own makes me so proud!”

Lindsey expressed her feeling about her goals this way, “It would be easy to say that my goal is to be the best teacher I can be, however, this statement has many dimensions. My goal is to be a positive influence in my classroom, my school and my community. I believe that teachers communicate their beliefs about teaching and learning in the ways that they carry themselves. I aim to have a high teaching efficacy for all of my students and to be an effective model in my classroom. It is my dream that all of my students will look back one day and remember all of the incredible experiences they had in my classroom! “

Posted by on Apr 2 2012. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

1 Comment for “JES Rookie of the Year – Lindsey Russell”

  1. Jay Mom

    Congrats Mrs. Russell! I have heard wonderful things from one of your students, Keep up the good work !

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