Central Moves to 3-1 in District with Win over Laurel Hill
The Central Jaguars moved to 3-1 in the district with their 3-1 win over the Laurel Hill Hobos Friday, March 9. T.J. Beasley was the winning pitcher. The Hobos were scoreless until the 6th. The Jaguars spread 5 hits over the game.
Stats for the Jaguars: WP -TJ Beasley 7IP, 1ER, 1Walk, 13 K’s, 2Hits, 1.00ERA ; Nolan Frady 1-1, 2 Runs, 1SB; Wendall Cooley 1-2; Nick Waters 1-3, 2B, 1RBI; TJ Beasley 1-3, RBI; and Bryce Karesky 1-2, RBI.
Posted by North Santa Rosa
on Mar 10 2012. Filed under Central.
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