North Santa Rosa

EREC Takes Youth Tour Participants to Tallahassee

EREC Takes Youth Tour Participants to Tallahassee

Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc. took fourteen juniors from its service area toTallahassee,Florida, on February 8-9 to learn more about their state legislature and electric cooperatives.  Participants included Lauren Griswold and Logan Rowell from Central High School; J. D. Atkins, Jacob Burnham, Camille Driver, Kathryn English, Joshua Gilmore, Evan Goodson, Chanda Hawthorne and Carly Owens from Jay High School; Aaron Floyd, Courtney Lambert and Sandy Rainwater from Northview High School; and Brett Campbell from Pace High School.

While in Tallahassee, the students met with other high school juniors from electric cooperatives throughout the state of Florida.  Approximately 100 students participated in this year’s Youth Tour event.  EREC delegates enjoyed visiting the Challenger Museum and viewing the IMAX movie, Hubble (3D). Youth Tour participants observed court in session in the Florida Supreme Court and participated in a mock session in the senate chambers where various members of the Legislature addressed the group.

The Youth Tour program provides students an opportunity to learn more about their state government and electric cooperatives and also gives them a chance to interact with other students from co-ops throughout the state.  It was a great educational experience and a lot of fun for the entire group.   







EREC Youth Tour delegates on the steps of the Capitol.  Front row:  Lauren Griswold, Kathryn English, Carly Owens, J. D. Atkins, Aaron Floyd and Jacob Burnham.  Back row:  Brett Campbell, Joshua Gilmore, Courtney Lambert, Sandy Rainwater, Camille Driver, Chanda Hawthorne, Evan Goodson and Logan Rowell

 Representative Doug Broxson talks with Youth Tour participants.

Posted by on Feb 11 2012. Filed under Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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