GO RED: Remembering and Honoring, Judy Baker Flowers
Wear RED to honor Judy on Wednesday, Feb. 8th all across Santa Rosa County. Let’s see how many women we can reach, Show your RED. Put your RED on and send us photos to add to a gallery for the family.
Judy Baker Flowers was the daughter of Laura (George) Kalata and Herb (Wanda) Baker. She was a 1986 Graduate of Milton High School and a 1990 Graduate of UWF. At the time of her death she was employed by United Bank in Jay. She married Alton Flowers on June 16,1990. They have two children, Kayla Lauren Flowers age 15 and Jackson Alden Flowers age 12. Other family members that loved Judy were her Mother-in-law, Dorothy Flowers; VERY VERY special grandparents, Charline and J. D. Warrick; her brother Cory Baker (Christy) and three step sisters: Tamara Lugo (Victor), Stacie Specht (Mike), and Cheri Kircher.
Below is Judy’s Story told by her husband of 21 years:
Judy’s Story: She always said she would never marry a military man because of the moving around and not being able to have a permanent home (Santa Rosa County). As usual, “never say never”, she married Alton and immediately moved to Ft Worth TX, from there she started her journey as a military spouse for 21 years taking her family to many different place and ending their military career in England. However; Judy always made the place her and her family moved to a permanent HOME even though she knew it was only a brief stop in her life. But her true desire was to make Santa Rosa County her home and more specific Jay. In 2008 her and her family moved back to Mt Carmel and started the new chapter in her life. She finally finished her dream home in Oct 2010 and it was truly home for her and her family and everyone was welcome here, as the large Pub sign she had to have from England that hangs in her living room says, “Travelers Rest”.
Judy was 42 years young when she passed away. Alton described Judy, “She loved life and always had a beautiful smile on her face when she meet someone. No matter who you were she always was willing to listen to you and was genuinely interested it you and what you had to say. She was a wonderful mother.”
Judy’s interests lay with her family and church family. She and her family were and are active members of Mt. Carmel Methodist Church. She had finished directing bible school for Jay Methodist and Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church only 5 days before she passed away.
Help us as we Remember and Honor Judy by wearing RED on Wednesday Feb. 8th to show your support for Women’s Heart Disease Awareness. Send in photos of your group in RED. A photo gallery will be published.
Judy Baker Flowers Wear RED Share the flyer
Craig & I didn’t know Judy very well, but we thought she was special. We would especially feel that way when Alton would talk about her & their children. It is true, that the measure of a person is not about awards & accolades, but in the genuine tenderest way they touch our lives. We’ve simply been blessed by that spirit. Judy was what we all want to be….genuine.
Judy was a beautiful person, so glad for the time I spent with her and thankful for the last visit we had together, love and miss you Judy!
Miss you special neighbor!
You are missed greatly. Heaven truly received an angel! Red will be the color for me on Wednesday!
I will wear my red. Judy truly was a very dear friend to so many people. That is a testament to her character and the love she showed to anyone who met her.
Natalie Adams Jolly
I’ll be wearing a red-stoned garnet ring on Wednesday with my ABUs. I encourage my Air Force friends and family members to wear red on Wednesday in honor of my dear friend Judy Baker Flowers, an Air Force spouse and beautiful person, to raise awareness for heart disease.
Samantha Birt
I will be wearing red here in England for my dear friend . I miss you Judy x
Kandi Bryan Coger
Spreading the news in Virginia! Wear RED on Wed for my dear childhood friend! I think of you everyday Judy! Love & Miss you!
I didn’t know her but what a special lady she must have been to have this show of love for her. I’ll wear red in her honor on Wednesday – proudly, God bless your family.
Judy was the Greatest women I have ever had the pleasure to spend time with… We walked almost every day together while stationed in England, to include the day of her First heart attach. My heart breaks every day at her lose… She was and continues to be an inspiration to me and my family and am privledge to call her my friend..I love you Judy and Miss you everyday… Everyone in my office will be wearing RED in your honor and to get your story out..
I have shared this with my teacher friends as well as letting my first grader students know about it. They are doing Jump Rope for Heart this week so it is the perfect time to share with them Judy’s story. Besides being a wonderful mother, daughter, granddaughter–Judy was a true friend and I miss her everyday. We will all be wearing RED on Wednesday in her honor.
Judy was a dear, sweet friend. I miss her so much.
We miss you so much and think about you everyday. We will wear our red.
A beautiful article about a beautiful person inside and out. Alton, Kayla and Jackson stay on my mind and in my prayers constantly.
We will remember you always. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thinking of Judy and all of her loved ones today.
You and your family are in my thoughts. Miss you.
You and your family will always be in our prayers.
We love you and miss you everyday and its not the same without you.
I will spread the news around Millbrook AL to wear red in honor of Judy and her beautiful family
Be sure to send photos on Wednesday we will have a gallery.
Judy was truly an inspiration and a blessing to everyone who knew her. She will always be loved and missed.