Santa Rosa Ranked #2 in State Education
Santa Rosa County has been ranked second in the state for the level of education provided. St. John’s County was first in the state, it is located on the north east side of Florida. 30 Counties in the State scored an “A” , 23 scored a “B”, 13 scored a “C” and only one county was a “D”. The Florida panhandle was well represented with 10 counties scoring B or better.
The numerical ranking is based on each district’s total points derived from FCAT scores. Districts are awarded one point for each percent of students in the district who were enrolled for the full year who score on grade level or higher on the FCAT and make annual learning gains (800 possible points). Santa Rosa County earned 576 points 2 more than the previous year. Escambia County, ranked 44th and scoring a “B” had 510 points.
The total is the sum of the percent of students scoring at Level 3 or higher for FCAT Reading, Mathematics, and Science; scoring at Level 4 or higher on the FCAT Writing essay; the percent of students who made learning gains in reading and mathematics; and for the percent of the lowest 25 percent of students who made learning gains in reading and mathematics.